Worth It! Jolly Good Fellow REFUSES to Relax Around Blacks, Defends Local McDonald’s

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2018

“My ancestors are smiling at me, badge-niggers. Can yours say the same?”

The smitings continue.

We should have an entire section devoted to them.

A Stormer Wall of (in)Fame as it were.

New York Times:

A white man displayed a gun during an argument with a group of mostly Somali-American teenagers at a McDonald’s in Minnesota after he wrongly suggested they were using welfare assistance to pay for their food, members of the group said.

A very fair assumption, you must admit.

It’s the largest of the three sources of Somali income, the other two being drug trafficking and luring underage white girls into prostitution.

The confrontation with the man, which was partly captured on a video that has been widely circulated on Twitter, occurred on Monday at a McDonald’s restaurant in Eden Prairie, Minn., a suburb southwest of Minneapolis, and ended without any shots fired or injuries sustained.

On Wednesday, the Eden Prairie police arrested Lloyd Edward Johnson, 55, under probable cause for second-degree assault, the city said in a statement. Mr. Johnson was being held at the Hennepin County Adult Detention Center. Joyce Lorenz, a spokeswoman for the city, said on Thursday that the Hennepin County attorney would decide whether to file any charges.

So nothing happened. But the white guy gets arrested anyways. Incredible.

For Jihan Abdullahi, 17, one of the teenagers in the group, the confrontation was a shocking instance of racism that left her scared but thankful that things did not turn out worse.

“Someone could easily have died,” Jihan said in an interview on Wednesday. “Anybody could easily have died.”

Jihan said she and some friends were doing homework at a library on Monday when, just before 8 p.m., they decided to head to a nearby McDonald’s.

You strain reality to the breaking point with your tales of literate Somalis doing homework in libraries.

You know, this all reminds me of the plot to Bonfire of the Vanities. 

The movie was ok 

The book shocked me when I first read it because of how Tom Wolfe characterized the New York lynch mob going after the white guy who ran over two black gangsters in the projects.

The Jewish DA (or mayor?) was so eager to nail the main character, Sherman, to the wall. Because he was White.

That’s how the American justice system works, folks.

It’s groaning under the weight of the Third World. And whenever an opportunity presents itself to help the crime stats out a bit with a White arrest, well…

And this guy was actually helped by the McDonalds staff. They were on his side! And even that didn’t save him from a smiting.

The next few moments were captured on the cellphone video. The video shows the man pointing at the group and yelling as he backs out of the restaurant. Then the group suddenly scatters, shouting that the man has a gun. Jihan said she saw him waving a black handgun around.

After the man left the McDonald’s, the video shows, a restaurant employee used expletives to tell the teenagers to leave the restaurant, despite a bystander’s pleas not to put the teenagers in more danger.

Another employee, who was also recorded in a second video, told the group that the gun had been pulled “for a reason.”

Two witnesses came out in defense of the man, but no, we are supposed to believe the group of urban yoofs.

Jihan said she hoped that McDonald’s would train its workers to respond better in such situations.

The encounter has raised anger at the treatment of the teenagers by both the restaurant’s employees and the man, and has been characterized as a “hate incident” by the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The state is home to more than 46,000 Somali-born residents and their children.

So much worrying information stuffed into such a small paragraph.

But the verdict is in now: White people’s rights end where brown peoples’ feelings begin. 

Time to face facts here.

We are already second-class citizens in our own country.