Wtf, I Love Erdogan Now!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2019

Sultan Erdogan really told the Jews where to stick it at the UN on Tuesday.

Nice to see someone finally trying to stop these kikes.

The Western media is barely covering this at all.

Jerusalem Post:

“Israel, which was almost non-existent in 1947, has continued until this day to seize Palestinian land with the aim of eliminating the state and the Deal of the Century will support those territorial ambitions,” Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.

“Where are the borders of the State of Israel? Is it the 1947 borders, the 1967 borders or is there another border that we need to know of?” Erdogan asked, alluding to Netanyahu’s plan to expand Israeli sovereignty to West Bank settlements.

Oh we know of it.

Of it, we know.

Erdogan held up four maps to illustrate his point, with the Palestinians in green and Israel in white, to demonstrate Israel’s changing border from 1947 to today.

Erdogan also spoke against the US recognition of Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan Heights.

How can the Golan Heights and the West Bank settlements be seized just like other occupied Palestinian territories before the eyes of the world?” Erdogan asked.


Because Jews control the foreign policy of the United States, which is the country with the most powerful military on earth.

Not terribly complicated. But of course, it’s a rhetorical question.

He accused the Trump administration of wanting to destroy Palestinian statehood with its unpublished plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Is the aim of the initiative to promote, as the ‘Deal of the Century,’ to entirely eliminate the presence of the state and the people of Palestine? Do you want another bloodshed?” Erdogan asked. “All actors of the international community, and in particular, the UN, should provide complete support to the Palestinian people beyond more promises.”

“I am quite curious, what about this map of Israel? Where is Israel? Where does the land of Israel begin and end? Look at this map, where was Israel in 1947 and where is Israel now, especially between the years between 1949 and 1967?” Erdogan said.

The Turkish President then pointed to the map and said, “Look, this is 1947. The land of Palestine. There is seemingly almost no Israeli presence on this lands, the entire territory belongs to the Palestinians.”

He said that 1947 was the year that the “Palestinian land starts shrinking and Israel starts expanding” and added that “Israel is still expanding and Palestine is still shrinking.”

He called on the UN to take action and enforce its many resolutions against Israel, as “Israel is still willing to take over the remainder of the land,” according to Erdogan.

“Under this roof, we are producing resolutions without any effect, so when do you think – or where do you think – justice can prevail?” he asked.

Yeah, more rhetorical questions.

The UN “does something” every year. They pass resolutions, and Israel refuses to follow them. The only way that the Jews will be stopped is with force.

But forces are building. Anger is building. And the defender of the kikes – America – is becoming progressively more and more unstable as a nation.

Turkey is a big, powerful country that recently threw off the shackles of the US and the EU and became BFF with Russia.

Bad news is that they will probably open the gates and flood Europe with Moslem terrorists in the event of any kind of serious escalation of tensions with Russia. And maybe just as a war strategy.

Because, you know, diversity is our greatest strength and so on and so forth. But somehow I think that if millions of Moslems were pouring into Europe again at the same time as Europe was trying to fight a war with Russia, the strength of their diversity would not translate into doing better at war.

TruNews did a big stream from the UN where they covered other speeches too. At 43:00, Rick Wiles says that Brazil’s president gave a good speech against homos.

But Rick doesn’t seem to be up on how much of a Zionist shill Bolsonaro is.

Of course, it’s good to see him defending Christianity, whatever the case.

Here’s that speech in full.

He spoke against the concept of “ideology,” which is something I’ve been doing recently.

“Ideology has invaded the human soul itself to expel God from it and the dignity with which he has endowed us,” Bolsonaro said.

I’m pretty sure that is a sentence I wrote.

His writers probably lifted most of this speech from this site.

Same with Erdogan probably, other than that Moslem gibberish.