Yeah, Merkel Might be Fucked. Actually.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2018

It’s not looking good for the IRON MAIDEN.

And no, I don’t mean the band – things are always looking good for them.

I mean the person.

Mama Merkel, the Islamic Saint who killed Europe.

Bad times for this kooky bitch.

She isn’t sleeping well.

She failed to reach a sensible deal with the EU central council – which she effectively runs – on immigration.

Now, we have a revolt, with the entire German political system ready to throw her under the bus to save themselves and stop an AfD sweep.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel was battling to save her coalition Monday after Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced his intention to resign over a controversial migration policy, according to German media reports.

Seehofer offered to quit as interior minister and as leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), during a marathon party meeting Sunday, but was later persuaded by CSU colleagues to meet with Merkel one more time and attempt to resolve the row, Reuters reported.

In the interest of the country and the ability by the coalition to act, we want to try to find a way to unify on this central question: border control and refusal, only on this question,” Seehofer said early Monday. “And I hope that we can manage it. This is an act of goodwill on my part and another attempt to come to an agreement, otherwise this would have been it today.”

See his thing is he can then sweep in as the hero next elections.

The guy who stood up for “sustainable immigration policy.”

Even though he’s supported her entire agenda up until like, last week.

This is just a bus-throwing.

Merkel was meeting with the CDU leadership Monday morning ahead of crunch talks between the two parties later in the day.

The CSU chief, who has repeatedly called for tougher policies on refugees, had given Merkel two weeks to reach an agreement with other European Union leaders that would allow German police to reject asylum seekers at the border who are already registered in another EU country. Under EU law, those people must be taken in and arrangements made on a case by case basis to send them back to the first country of entry.

Seehofer had threatened to implement that policy unilaterally if Merkel could not reach a satisfactory deal by Sunday. Instead, he reportedly offered to step down, a move that could provide temporary respite for Merkel but that may spell the end for the decades-old CDU/CSU alliance and for the coalition government.

Yeah. Exactly. Said he was gonna do the thing, then was like “nah, I’m not doing the thing, just going home – but don’t worry, I’ll be back!”

Because he supports all these policies. It’s just Merkel that is so covered in blood, she is no longer a viable political actor.

Or that is the running assessment of the rest of her government.

The greatest, greatest, greatest part of all is that it was the media freakout over that fat kike slut who got rape-murdered by haji that led to this situation. The kikes destroyed the political viability of their most loyal and efficient servant in a freakout over one dead Hebrew slut.

CNN has some guy saying it isn’t over yet.

Leopold Traugott, policy analyst at think tank Open Europe, sees little hope for a compromise between the parties as they meet again Monday. “It’s unlikely Merkel will give the CSU more concessions,” he told CNN. “They have been pushing this issue too hard and too fast.

Again – in response to the media pressure from the fat kike who got rape-murdered. They freaked. Or maybe it was calculated as an excuse, because they want to remove her – I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter.

The chancellor is in the strongest position, Traugott explains. “Her own party is really behind her. Now that the CSU is behaving more aggressively towards Merkel and the CDU, those normally critical have come to her support.

No idea if that’s true.

But if she wasn’t good at getting people to be loyal to her, she wouldn’t be where she is.

Speaking to CNN Monday afternoon, Bavarian CSU interior minister Joachim Herrmann said that while his party’s goals on migration were far from being reached, the CSU was not looking to break with the CDU.

“I don’t want to speculate as to what the outcome will be today,” Hermann said. “What’s clear is that the CDU and CSU want to work together. We will need to find a common solution to the problem.”

The problem with this problem is that there is no solution to this problem.

The issue is not actually more migrants coming in. Because compared to how many are already in, the numbers of new ones coming in are completely irrelevant.

The issue is that there are so many of these monkeys there already. And this thing they’re floating about sending them back to Italy and Greece – that would collapse the EU. Moving hundreds of thousands of these people that Merkel invited to Germany to live in Southern Europe – which is already flooded, due to the Merkel invite – would lead to riots, pogroms, etc. The countries would become ungovernable. And the only option would be a withdraw from the EU and mass deportations.

As I’ve said, repeatedly, both Greece and Italy have this option:

  • Issue EU passports to all the migrants in their country
  • Give them train tickets to Berlin
  • Exit the EU, defaulting on all debt
  • Close their own borders by turning around boats, which the EU won’t be able to stop them from doing once they’re out
  • Print dracma/lira
  • Call up Vladimir Putin and be like “whatsup my dude, you wanna chill?”

This is not anywhere close to impossible.

It can be done.

And there is nothing Germany can do to stop it.