Yes, Newsweek. Jews are Behind the Weed Industry.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2018

Some of the old media was able to make the jump to new media. Most of it was not.

Newsweek, an old print magazine that used to be in every waiting room in America, was one of the losers. After a merger with Daily Beast, management decided to dumb the publication down to the level of Buzzfeed or Gawker – just without the wit. It was bought and sold a few times, proving incapable of making a profit. It now exists as a humorless clickbait site with articles that read as though they were machine translated from Chinese.

They are ranked number 34 in a list of most-visited American news sites, putting them below many local news sites.


Following Charlottesville, someone at the publication decided that any headline with “Nazi” in it is good clickbait, and so they’ve been writing about the Daily Stormer a couple times a week, trying to get real news websites to cite them.

Every article contains an embedded video of Charlottesville.

The latest joke article was one claiming that I have a “conspiracy theory” that Jews run the American marijuana industry. The shameless headline reads “NEO-NAZI CONSPIRACY THEORY: ‘JEWS’ ARE TRYING TO GET AMERICA STONED ON LEGAL MARIJUANA,” and the article doesn’t admit that this was clickbait until the third paragraph.

If you like to get stoned, the flailing “alt-right” scene might not be the political movement for you.

Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which has celebrated criminal activity such as pedophilia and domestic violence in recent months, doesn’t want its white, young, male followers toking up—because Jews are behind the burgeoning legal marijuana industry, according to a post on the website on Thursday.

“It is personally disgusting to me that we are condemning a generation of children to grow up baked in this noxious substance. But there is now huge public support for it,” website editor Andrew Anglin complained in a post about the Trump administration potentially pushing back against marijuana consumption and distribution. “Most of the marijuana industry, I can assure you, is run by Jews.”

Anglin, it should be noted, offers up no evidence to support his claim that the legal marijuana industry is being promoted by Jewish people.

So I didn’t claim that there was a “conspiracy” or that “Jews are trying to get America stoned.”

I simply stated the fact that Jews run the better part of the legal marijuana industry. That isn’t a theory, it is simply an observation.

Newsweek claims that I “offer no evidence.” This “journalist” should perhaps learn to use the popular website “” – it’s a pretty important tool for many people in the information industry, and I don’t see why clickbait artists couldn’t also learn it.

Newsweek: you just type words in this box, and the website will show you information relating to what you typed – right on your computer screen!

Of course, I have written a lot about Jews promoting the legalization of marijuana, and would to an extent just assume that my audience is largely aware of this, trusts me not to lie to them and/or understands how to use “”

I think basically everyone in the world is aware that the mega-billionaire support for weed legalization came from George Soros, who has been pushing for it for more than a decade.

But if you’d never heard of such things, then in 10 seconds, using search terms like “Jews marijuana industry” and “Jews cannabis growers,” you can very easily confirm that the industry is dominated by Jews using the “search engine” on “”

Here is a particularly informative article from December on a local Jewish California news site.

Jewish News of Northern California:

Joanna Arenstein has a slogan: “Jews and weed go together like … Jews and weed.”

As the executive director of East Bay Canna, she knows a lot of people in the cannabis community — and that means she knows a lot of Jews.

“We’re everywhere,” Arenstein said with a laugh.

Pushing regulatory policy, looking at the thorny legal issues of cannabis law, participating in the industry through business or education, exploring the uses of medical marijuana, or incorporating pot into religious practices and spiritual ceremonies — in many ways Jews have long been at the forefront of efforts to bring cannabis into the American mainstream, legalizing and normalizing its use.

“Oh, yes, it’s definitely true,” said Peter Rosenberg, a partner at Merida Capital Partners, an equity fund that invests in companies that serve the cannabis industry.

It’s definitely true.

The father of the “Hemp Movement” was the Jew Jack Herer.

Richard Nixon noticed the role of the Jews in the marijuana movement.

This isn’t new.

And why? Maybe it’s because Israel has been a leader in medical marijuana research. Or maybe it’s the way states’ legalization of marijuana, medical or recreational, has created a space for new and inventive entrepreneurs. Or maybe it’s the social justice aspect of the legalization movement that appeals.

Or maybe, as East Bay resident and legalize-it pioneer Ed Rosenthal puts it, it’s because marijuana is an “intellectual” drug compared to alcohol.

Whatever the reason, come Jan. 1, Jews in the Bay Area will join the rest of California in waking up to a new reality. On that day it becomes legal for permitted stores in the state to sell marijuana for recreational use.

Medical marijuana has been legal in California for two decades. And since Prop. 64 passed in November 2016, it’s been legal to grow a few plants or possess small amounts of marijuana for recreational use.

In ready-to-go Oakland, city council member Rebecca Kaplan has been pushing hard to make sure everything is rolling along smoothly.

As with many people active in efforts to legalize pot, for Kaplan it’s a social justice issue. She said that laws against marijuana are part of a war on drugs initiated by the Nixon administration to deliberately attack communities of color. (Richard Nixon’s aide John Ehrlichman said the policy was explicitly designed to be anti-black and anti-left, according to a 2016 article in Harper’s magazine.)

“It’s important to understand the history of marijuana law as the history of overt prejudice,” she said.

Kaplan is looking to rectify that. The former Orthodox day school student says her position is in line with Jewish teachings. She cites the Maimonides directive that says the most important mitzvah is getting prisoners out of jail, or redeeming captives: pidyon shvuyim.

Under rules passed by the Oakland City Council on Nov. 28, with amendments authored by Kaplan, not only will Oakland be ready to start issuing city licenses next month, but 50 percent of them will be reserved for groups understood to have been unfairly burdened by past drug laws pertaining to marijuana — meaning primarily low income and African American residents. People approved for these permits also will get low-interest loans, business assistance and fee waivers. “Can Oakland Help Solve the Weed Industry’s Diversity Problem?” was how a July headline in Rolling Stone put it.

So there’s the Jew writing the law.

“That is also why it’s so important for Jews and all people of conscience to work to end marijuana prohibition,” Kaplan said.

Longtime Bay Area drug reform activist Mikki Norris agrees. In an opinion piece in J. supporting last year’s vote on the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Prop. 64), Norris wrote of the Jewish people, “Our religious tenets, culture and shared history give us a special sensitivity and an understanding that working against social injustice and for human and civil rights is the right thing to do.

“Through centuries of being scapegoated and persecuted, we have learned that it is wrong to identify groups of people for unequal treatment, demonization and incarceration because they are a minority or not part of the mainstream. So, it’s not surprising that Jews are overrepresented in social justice causes … marijuana legalization [is] a social justice issue.”

So there’s a Jew saying he’s pushing for this… because of the Holocaust.

At the forefront of the legalization movement for years and years, both locally and beyond, has been Rosenthal, 72, a resident of Piedmont and the author-editor of more than a dozen books, including “The Marijuana Grower’s Handbook” (foreword by stoner comedian Tommy Chong) and “Why Marijuana Should be Legal.” He is well known nationally as a cannabis-growing consultant and passionate marijuana advocate who has been using the plant since 1965.

For him, however, Prop. 64 doesn’t go far enough — there are just too many restrictions. “It doesn’t legalize it to the extent that it should,” he said.

Rosenthal wrote the introduction to “New Rules: California’s Marijuana Rules Explained,” a book published by his company last month that attempts to explain what is legal, how medical marijuana laws are changing, and what “adult use” marijuana sales will mean.

Like Rosenthal, Arenstein, the executive director of East Bay Canna, is all for full legalization.

Jew directing a marijuana liberation organization.

The 3-year-old organization hosts monthly networking events (similar to happy hours) that organizers say draw up to 300 people to Oakland’s Lake Merritt. East Bay Cannabis Community, its formal name, also runs a senior get-together and a donation program for low-income medical marijuana users.

Arenstein sees that last element as inherently Jewish, through its emphasis on compassion. She also sees Jewish values at work in the way cannabis activists and those involved in the industry have been willing to take legal risks and look past social stigmas in finding ways to help others.

“We’re taught to question. We’re taught to grapple,” Arenstein said.

Ending the stigma as full legalization approaches is something Catherine Goldberg is also looking forward to. “People still associate it with being a lazy stoner, sitting on the couch,” she said.

Goldberg, known as the “Cannabis Concierge” according to High Times magazine, is one of a growing number of Jews looking for ways to incorporate cannabis into Jewish ritual.

She’s not the only one bringing pot to Shabbat. Jeff Danzer of Los Angeles, known professionally as Jeff the 420 Chef, has a long history with marijuana.

“I remember when I was back in yeshiva we used to smoke weed all the time,” said Danzer, the founder of several cannabis ventures and known for a laboriously made cannabis “butter” that doesn’t make food taste like weed.

Formerly Orthodox himself, he can, and does, cook a completely kosher meal infused with cannabis that allows Orthodox Jews — or anyone else — to enjoy the effects of weed on Shabbat without smoking, which would be forbidden.

Others are bringing cannabis into Jewish spaces in different ways.

For example, on Jan. 7, Under One Tent, a book and arts festival under the auspices of the Contra Costa JCC, is hosting a panel called “Eyes on Health: Marijuana as Medicine” at Congregation B’nai Shalom in Walnut Creek. Also sponsored by Diablo Valley Hadassah, the 2½-hour event is scheduled to include Eloise Theisen, a former board director of the American Cannabis Nurses Association, and David Downs, the cannabis editor at the San Francisco Chronicle.

Jew writing in a non-Jewish paper to promote marijuana usage.

And Sally Berk, a Jewish member of East Bay Canna and its director of outreach and public relations, is helping set up a similar, albeit private, event for the women’s group at Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland. Berk said it’s important for people to get clear information about cannabis legalization that’s not tainted with stigma.

Jew ranking official in goyim marijuana promotion group.

“There’s been so much wrong information put out to the public about it,” she said, alluding to long-held views that marijuana is dangerous, addictive and even a scourge upon society.

The person scheduled to lead that talk is Pittsburg resident Barbara Blaser. The 72-year-old registered nurse might seem like an unlikely advocate for cannabis, but in recent years Blaser has found a new role for herself as a volunteer “explainer” for medical marijuana patients.

Blaser grew up in Kentucky, where her mother, originally from Piedmont, told her that being Jewish meant knowing other Jews would help you. At Magnolia, Blaser is the one helping others. She teaches a senior wellness class, as well as classes on pain management and medication management. That might mean helping patients figure out what medications conflict with cannabis, or how to regulate dosage to increase the amount of time they are pain-free.

Jew medical professional encouraging marijuana usage.

All this from someone who didn’t even try pot until she was in her 70s.

For Blaser, who moved to California to be closer to her children, this work has become a mission. With teaching, counseling patients, following up on the phone or giving talks, she estimates she spends 60 to 70 hours a week on it.

That’s a far cry from how she originally approached her daughter’s line of work. She used to say, “It’s not my issue,” she recalled. “For 30 years, my dad asked me what Debby does, and I said she works for an alternative-crop lobby group.”

In the past 18 months, besides being a familiar and comforting face at Magnolia, she’s also becoming a sought-after resource, talking to senior groups around the Bay Area. One thing she has observed is that Jews she talks to have more progressive attitudes toward marijuana use. “It seems that Jewish seniors tend to be more forward-looking,” she said.

Goldsberry, who was raised without religion, said a recent interest in Judaism drew her to study with Chabad. But she worried over what they might think of her marijuana career.

“The very first thing I had to do was put it all on the table,” she said. So she talked to Chabad of Oakland’s Rabbi Dovid Labkowski and his wife, Shulamis, and came away feeling that marijuana is “a plant that was put here for a purpose, and by God.”

“People of the Jewish faith are on Earth to do good,” Goldsberry added, tears forming in her eyes. “It’s hard to talk about it. There’s been such an enormous amount of suffering.”

That is Jews promoting marijuana as “Tikkun Olam.”

According to many rabbis, as long as it’s for medical use, cannabis is in fact kosher. The kosher market is growing, as evidenced by edible companies such as Mitzva Herbal and long-established Doc Green’s (topical cannabis pain relief creams), based in Berkeley.

In the 1960s, professor Raphael Mechoulam of Hebrew University in Jerusalem was the first to isolate CBD and THC, the psychoactive element of cannabis.

“Frankly, I think there will be a day you’ll see Mechoulam up there for the [Nobel] Peace Prize,” said Stephen Gardner, the chief marketing officer of Tikun Olam USA, a medical marijuana company with Israeli and American Jewish investors that plans to expand into California in 2018.


A Jewish marijuana company literally called “Tikun Olam.”

The passage of Prop. 64 will, according to industry insiders, take a huge market in California and make it even bigger. Cannabis research firm ArcView says the legal market in North America was $6.7 billion last year; California accounted for 27 percent of that.

“Jews realize that cannabis is going to be the next internet,” said Goldberg, the “Cannabis Concierge,” proffering one theory on why so many Jews are involved in the industry.

Another theory, suggested by Berk, is that Jewish people tend to be progressive and open to new ideas in society. “We’re always learning and we’re always doing,” she said.

Arenstein of East Bay Canna, meanwhile, pointed to the close relationship of Judaism to the Earth and harvest-based rituals — a theory Rosenthal has heard before, as well.

“People claim that in the oil for the Temple there was cannabis,” Rosenthal said, alluding to “anointing oil.”

He also thinks the connection could have something to do with marijuana’s tendency to spark in-depth thought, conversation and the creation of art. “I think that Jews tend to be intellectuals, and respect intellectualism, so that becomes a favored drug for them, as compared to alcohol,” Rosenthal said.

“I’m positive that cannabis can repair the world,” summed up Goldberg.

Whatever the reason, it remains true, at least at the anecdotal level, that Jews in the Bay Area seem disproportionately involved with marijuana.

“I’d say there’s a higher percentage of Jewish people than the percentage of the general population,” said Mary Shapiro, an S.F.-based intellectual property lawyer and a founding board member of the National Cannabis Bar Association (launched in 2015 by Bay Area lawyers as the nation’s first professional group specializing in helping businesses navigate complex marijuana regulations).

And you can go on and on with this, Newsweek journalists, using the website “” Remember that address, friend.

Just imagine how much more clicks you would have gotten if the headline had been “NAZI SAYS JEWS DISPROPORTIONATELY INVOLVED IN MARIJUANA INDUSTRY – AND IT’S TRUE!”

Because you’ve got this serious problem here where you are reporting false information and claiming a “conspiracy theory,” while it is open and public information that you are claiming that I “theorized.” Even if the author of this Newsweek piece hasn’t heard of “,” the general public has.

Here’s another thing I found on “”:

And oh, what’s this here? Another great find on “”!

Jewish Daily Forward:

Already a pioneer in high-tech and cutting-edge agriculture, Israel is starting to attract American companies looking to bring medical marijuana know-how to a booming market back home.

Since 2014, U.S. firms have invested about $50 million in licensing Israeli medical marijuana patents, cannabis agro-tech startups and firms developing delivery devices such as inhalers, said Saul Kaye, CEO of iCAN, a private cannabis research hub.

“I expect it to grow to $100 million in the coming year,” Kaye said at iCAN’s CannaTech conference in Tel Aviv this month, one of the largest gatherings of medical marijuana experts.

In Israel, marijuana is an illegal drug and only 23,000 people have Health Ministry permits to purchase medical cannabis from nine licensed suppliers, creating a market of $15 million to $20 million at most.

But Israeli authorities are liberal when it comes to research. Growers work with scientific institutions in clinical trials and development of strains that treat a variety of illnesses and disorders.

So the Israeli government bans its use but allows research so they can sell it to America.


And you can go on and on with this.

I do Not Make Questionable Statements of Fact on This Website

Newsweek claimed I advocated for “pedophilia” – this isn’t shocking because it’s a lie, but it is shocking just how goofy it is to make something like that up and be so out of touch that you actually believe that you can say that and have a majority of your audience take it at face value. “Promotes pedophilia” is an insane claim. I have never heard anyone accused of that before, ever. I’ve heard people accusing each other of being pedophiles, but “he promotes pedophilia on his website – I’m not going to give you the link, but trust me, I read it” is I think totally new. It’s just precious, the way these journalists just beg their Jew masters for pats on the head – begging like little puppies.

What they are referring to is when I defended Roy Moore and said that girls should be married off shortly after puberty.

Here is the definition of pedophilia:

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.

Newsweek maybe has their own definition of the term… but I think they are just liars. Although given the way the word “theory” was used, they may genuinely not understand what words mean.

Of course, my support for young girls being forcibly married off after puberty is offensive enough to the 90 IQ clickbait audience they are marketing to. They could just say that. But you’re not just dealing with spineless liars, who exist for no reason other than to spread falsehood, but also very extreme incompetence.

There are a lot of things that the mainstream Jew media can attack me over. I do insult everyone. I have very strong opinions, and I share those opinions.

But claiming I make positive statements of fact that I have just made up or “theorized” – a ridiculous word to use in the context of a positive statement – “the marijuana industry is mostly controlled by Jews” – if I had made it up it would have just been a lie, not a theory – is just going to make you look stupid. And like liars. Because you are lying.

As I have said: Newsweek is the absolute bottom of the barrel. I am not even aware of someone accusing me of a “theory” before. It is a bizarre technique, to draw attention to the fact that I pointed out the fact that Jews control the marijuana industry and then say “we didn’t bother to Google it, but we think it’s a theory.”

Unless I make a genuine mistake, you will never find me stating something as a fact if it is not confirmed as such. I constantly give my opinions, and I occasionally speculate, but if I make a statement that is empirical, it is true – whereas Newsweek will pile lies upon lies. And other mainstream outlets are not that much better.

I might have “theories” as to why Jews promote marijuana so aggressively among the goyim, while outlawing it in their own ethnostate. The Jews quoted above are openly saying that they promote it to change the culture, and I don’t really think there is any need to go further than that. It’s pretty straightforward. And as is the case with massive third world immigration: if this is good for countries, then why are they doing it in our countries and not their own?


The Newsweek article also included this lovely paragraph.

The scapegoating of Jewish people for the problems of white men—be it substance abuse, women trouble, or financial trouble—has become a considerably more dangerous business. There were 172 reported bomb threats against Jews and Jewish establishments in 2017, according to the ADL, a rights group—at no point during the previous three years had that number ever reached double-digits before. Other incidents of harassment both online and in real life are also rising, the rights group notes.

Clearly, that is making a connection between white men and these bomb threats, no?

We know, for an absolute fact, that none of those bomb threats were made by white men. The overwhelming majority of them were made by an Israeli Jew, and the remainder were made by a black man involved in a conspiracy to try and frame his white ex-girlfriend. The author of this piece obviously knows that, as do the editors, as do most people who follow the news closely.

Newsweek is an interesting site in that it has become a caricature of fake news.

But just try to imagine the callousness of being a non-Jew and lying to people professionally – for less than $50,000 a year. Imagine how deeply empty such a man’s soul would be.