You’re Going to Have to Get Another Coronavirus Vaccine Because of Coronavirus Mink

Danish morons have slaughtered their entire mink population because of some idiotic theory about how the mink are spreading a secret and special “mutant” coronavirus.

But that is just the beginning of this new and emerging hoax.

A top UK official is now implying that you’re going to have to get an extra coronavirus vaccine for this new version of the hoax virus.

Daily Mail:

Dominic Raab today warned a ‘mutated version of coronavirus’ linked to Danish mink farms could undermine efforts to produce an effective vaccine as the UK moved swiftly to ban hauliers arriving from Denmark.

Foreign lorry drivers who have recently travelled through the country will be turned back at the UK border after widespread Covid-19 outbreaks at the farms.

As of 4am this morning, only UK citizens have been allowed to return from Denmark, with any other visitors, or freight arrivals, being refused entry. Brits arriving from the country are now required to self-isolate for two weeks.

The Danish Government has ordered a cull of 17 million mink after a warning that a mutation of the virus – which is less sensitive to an attack from Covid-19 antibodies – had jumped from minks to humans and infected 12 people. 

Coronavirus has spread from minks to humans in hundreds of cases – but the mutant strain is restricted to just 12 infections. Scientists fear this small number could be the beginning of ‘a new pandemic starting again, this time from Denmark’.

Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen said it could pose a ‘risk to the effectiveness’ of a much-anticipated future Covid-19 vaccine as the antibodies provided by the jab may not be effective enough.

Mr Raab told Sky News the decision to impose travel restrictions on the country was a ‘precautionary measure’.

He said: ‘We need to look very carefully at the science, I think the Danish government have been very forward learning and transparent and cooperative about this. 

‘But what the concern is, when we see a mutated version of coronavirus and if it spreads, it will undermine our ability to make an effective vaccine in the future because it will allow the virus to move round.

‘So although it is a precautionary step, I think it is the right step whilst we engage with all of the health experts around the world and be clear about what’s happened in Denmark, in particular in relation to the minks.’

This kookiness has reached cartoon levels.


The poor little stinking rats got wiped out!

The deranged Danes are said to have gassed them in fake shower rooms in order to “honor our great hero Adolf Hitler, exterminator of rats!”

Now do you still think the Democrats aren’t the real Hitler Nazis????

They couldn’t even make them into coats because the coats would be filled with the allegedly deadly mild flu virus that only kills people in their 90s!

Never forget the current charts, from the government’s own statistics:

There are three times the infections – and one third the deaths as there were in the spring….! That’s according to their own idiotic, alarmist tabulations!

Imagine the boldness of the Boris Johnson government – they will show you graphs that say that this is all a total hoax, then say, “these graphs show that this isn’t a hoax, peasant.”

Boris Johnson should be arrested for this hoax!

He thinks we’re all just a bunch of faggots who can get hoaxed around!

He even has his own version of the famous Limp Bizkit song “Rollin’.”

Take him to the Hague!