Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2015

The sadness is deeply upon my spirit as I hear today of some traditional British girls are escaping to Syria due to a deep and unnatural craving for terrorist gang-bangs.
Scotland Yard is heading the search for three London schoolgirls who disappeared last week, but Monday marks almost a week since they boarded a plane for Turkey, and as CBS News’ Elizabeth Palmer reports, their families are clinging to a slim hope that they haven’t yet crossed the border into Syria.
The family of the youngest girl, 15-year-old Shamima Begum, decided to go public over the weekend with an appeal they can only hope the girls will see.
Her older sister faced the cameras, holding Shamima’s pink pyjamas.
“She didn’t take anything with her. We are just clinging on to the bits that we have, and we just want her to come home,” said Renu Begum. “If you watch this, baby, please come home. Mom needs you more than anything in the world. You’re our baby and we just want you home, we want you safe.”
The father of another 15-year-old Amira Abase echoed the plea.
“What she’s doing is completely nonsense,” he said. “Just remember how we love you, and your sister brother, they cannot stop crying.”
The three teenagers, Shamina, Amira and Kadiza Sultana were all strong students at the same school in East London.
The last known picture of them was taken by a security camera at Istanbul airport last Tuesday.
They told their parents they were going out to study. Instead they boarded the plane from London’s Gatwick Airport.
The trio was not stopped by the airline or U.K. border officials, and Palmer says there’s now a lot of finger-pointing in Britain, but no clear answers.
Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron issued a warning for “every school, every university every college, every community to recognize they have a role to play, we all have a role to play, in stopping people from having their minds poisoned by this appalling death cult.”
In online videos, the so-called death cult in question, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) invites young women to join, offering them roles as nurses, cooks, wives and propagandists.
These girls, who in a bygone era could have been pulled straight out of a Jane Austin novel, are now consumed by a feral desire for limitless and perhaps even infinite amounts of TOTAL PENIS.

What happened to ye olde England? Once upon a time, girls were into romantic songs and fairy tales, now they are all about terrorism and having sex with thousands of terrorists to help them relax after a long day of doing terrorism.
What are we to do with the youth of Britain? What happened to the 1800s stereotype of conservative girls singing songs while they cooked you up a delicious and satisfying meat pie? Where did this change happen that caused them to be obsessed with getting their freak on with terrorists, to the point where they are willing to escape their families in order to engage in sex with thousands of men?
The mystery has yet to be solved, but most believe it has to do with racism or socioeconomics and wealth distribution or something.
Shalom Goldensilverstein, an economics expert, says “there is no way these girls would be craving gang-bangs and terrorism to this extent if the conservative government of the United Kingdom had not failed so miserably to put more money in them programs. You should remember goyim, it is of course perfectly natural for young girls to desire to get gang-banged by hundreds of men, but not by men who do a terrorism or whatever rofl.”