10,000 Invasive Spics Thrown Over the Border as Part of “Remain in Mexico” Plan

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2019

Okay, so this is something that sounds good.

But I’m so doom-pilled right now.

CBS News:

More than 10,000 asylum seekers have been returned to Mexico by U.S. authorities to await court hearings as the Trump administration prepares for the immediate expansion of the controversial practice — known as “Remain in Mexico” — along the entire southern border. 

Under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy, approximately 10,393 Central American migrants have been returned to Mexico as their cases are processed in American immigration courts, a Mexican government official at the National Institute of Migration, which oversees migration in the country, told CBS News.

The latest benchmark of people returned under the policy — which is being challenged in court — comes as the Trump administration and the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reached a deal late Friday to curb migration from Central America after days of tense negotiations stemming from President Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on Mexican goods.

Ten thousand is, of course, nothing.

But this could – and I stress the word “could” – end up being something that isn’t terrible.

Of course, we’re expecting Gromard Toledo to do some BASED stuff before the election, because at this point he has to have at least a vague understanding that things are going off the rails.

Let’s use the layers of the earth as an analogy.

The Inner Core is what used to be called the “Alt-Right,” which was the meme army that ultimately got Trump the energy he needed to get through the primaries and then to get elected. Several academic papers have been printed about how if it weren’t for the meme-right, Trump couldn’t have won.

These people are extremely engaged in politics, so they’ve all left, because they’re seeing everything Trump is doing in terms of the border, the wars, the gay hats, all of it. We know about the Jews. We see that his administration is being run by Jews. We see he’s doing everything for Israel and nothing for America. We know that he isn’t building any factories and that actually factories continue to leave. We know that the opioid and suicide crises are getting worse.

The Outer Core is what we call the “Alt-Lite,” which is the Breitbart crowd and also most of the right-wingers who haven’t gotten kicked off YouTube yet. These are lower-information people, but still somewhat politically engaged. They belong to different age groups, but certainly lean older.

They are starting to leave. They tend to like Israel, so they actually do get some excitement over the kikesucking Trump is engaged in, but they’re also engaged enough to know about the numbers of immigrants coming in. They’re also woke on legal immigration, so they’re not buying the Kushner “we’re going to bring in Indian geniuses to help the economy by replacing white IT workers” bit. They’re also aware of and influenced by Tucker and Ann, who are critical of Trump. Even many of them who will say they support Trump might not bother voting.

The Mantle is the Fox News crowd (excluding Tucker). They are still “rah rah rah,” and presumably believe that MAGA just means that Trump isn’t getting impeached. They are the lowest information population in the country, and don’t even know that the highest numbers of immigrants ever in history are entering America. They love Israel more than America, and they support a war with Iran or whoever else Fox News and their Zionist Christian leaders tell them to support a war against.

They will never leave. But even some of them might not bother voting if the media decides to start aggressively covering just how bad the border situation is, and the fact that Trump has built less than 2 miles of Wall. They are strongly Christian, and might start to get uncomfortable if he really starts pumping up the anal stuff.

The Upper Mantle are the people who only voted for Trump because he wasn’t Hillary Clinton. They are not loyal at all, they don’t really care that much about cultural issues, and they might vote for a Democrat, depending on how things go. They also might not vote at all.

The Crust are the #NeverTrump neocons, who now support Trump because he’s gone full Zionist, but will support a Democrat if it is anyone other than Bernie, Tulsi or Yang.

I don’t know the sizes of these different groups. But I do know that when you lose your core – and Trump has completely lost his core – things are not looking good for your larger support base. If you removed the core of the earth, the planet would begin to collapse in on itself. (I’m not actually sure if that’s true, but it seems like it would be true, and it works in this analogy.)

So yeah, I won’t be surprised if he starts sending some people back in large numbers pretty soon.

I think that now, a lot of Jews do want him to win. Especially if they can’t get the nomination for Joe Biden.

And as much as I criticize Trump, my list of preferred candidates is this:

  1. Tulsi Gabbard
  2. Andrew Yang
  3. Bernie Sanders
  4. Donald Trump

So assuming none of the first 3 get the nomination (and the only one who has an actual chance is Bernie), then I will support Trump in 2020.

People want to talk about accelerationism, but what you need to understand is that this is going to happen either way. There is no way to stop accelerationism. And it would be better if we had 4 more years of at least some kind of freedom before we go into full acceleration mode, because we’re not really ready for it.

We need more people on our side, we need better real life infrastructure, we need better dark web internet infrastructure.

We also need to get right with Christ.

We need a whole lot of things we do not have.

So I’m not ready for a Biden or a Kamala to just start a full crackdown where everyone is getting rounded up and thrown into camps for posting Pepe memes, and the people promoting that as positive need to probably think it through a little bit more.