11-Year-Old White Kid Tries to Kill Himself Because He was Harassed for Being White in a Monkey School

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2018

Richard Coody and his mother.

School integration is one of the worst crimes committed against our people in history.

These nogs don’t learn anything, they just make everything terrible for White students.


3 Investigates a case of bullying at a Shreveport’s Southern Hills Elementary.

Fifth-grader Richard Coker attempted to harm himself while class was in session, but his mother doesn’t think enough was done to help her son.

“The school is the one allowing it to continue. The school is the one saying it’s okay. The school is the one not doing anything about it,” said Miranda Coody, Richard’s mother. “Why would I trust that school with my son after my son tried to kill himself at that school?”

Miranda Coody says her 11 year old son was pushed to attempt suicide after extreme bullying at Southern Hills Elementary School.

District policy prohibits Caddo Parish school administrators from discussing the case, but Miranda Coody kept a detailed paper trail of documents, provided by the school, which say her son was repeatedly taunted and struck by classmates at Southern Hills Elementary.

Coody provided 3-News Investigates with documents, revealing how one of Richard’s bullies was arrested and eventually kicked out of school for repeatedly punching Richard in the face — resulting in a trip to the hospital.

Miranda Coody provided 3-News investigates documents proving her son suffered bullying at Southern Hills Elementary.

“He was told he was picked on because he was a white kid in a primarily black school,” added Coody.