Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 23, 2015


On March 21st, countless people from around the world got out into the streets with their banners, flyers, stickers, posters, and megaphones alerting the general public to White Genocide – the deliberate destruction of our identity.

For several decades, White people across many majority White countries have been subject to genocidal conditions by a loose collection of small but powerful groups which have a monopoly over the media and politics.

Since these small groups all have Whites, Blacks, Asians, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, and others in their ranks, the only thing we can accurately and collectively call them is “anti-White“.

They will tell you that they are “anti-racist”, but they then use that title to launch an attack on White areas for being “too White”.

For example, Marin county California in 2011, was decided to be “too White” by the US government. This is an official government position.

In all my years on this Earth, I have never heard of a place being described as “too Black”, “too Asian”, “too Brown” or “too mixed” by its OWN GOVERNMENT.

This is not just confined to the United States – this is just as common in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or in our native homeland: Europe.

So what we have now are White countries which have been opened up to millions of non-White third-world immigrants, despite opposition from the majority of the population.

This is not rocket science – opening the borders of a rich country will flood it with third-world immigrants, just as opening the doors to a bank will flood it with bank robbers.

These anti-Whites opened the borders and were fully aware that we’d be in the situation that we are in now – the trend towards a White minority.


The March 21st activism is a message to all anti-Whites that we’re not putting up with these genocidal conditions any longer.

Times are changing, and ordinary White folk are realizing just how much they’ve been conned and lied to . . . and more importantly, that we have been targeted for destruction.

“Diversity” is a code for White genocide, because only White areas are demanded to have it.

“Anti-racist” is a code for anti-White, because they only see White people as the “race” problem.