Daily Stormer
April 5, 2015

The horrible Jew Ed Miliband has sworn to pass oppressive laws to force diversity upon every sector of society through a brutal system of quotas.
The proposals are likely to feature in a black and minority ethnic manifesto, which will be launched alongside the party’s general election pledges.
The party says it will also reform stop and search powers, going much further than Theresa May, and devolve youth unemployment measures to local authorities to help support young black and ethnic minority youngsters find work.
Shadow justice Secretary Sadiq Khan would also like to see Black and Minority Ethnic and all-women shortlists introduced for Westminster seats, if the number of women and ethnic minorities returned to Parliament in May is not significantly higher.
Mr Khan, who has been tasked with leading the party’s efforts to secure and increase its ethnic minority vote share, said “nothing was off the table” when it came to eradicating what he described as “inequalities” within the system. His vision for the future is also part of a bold appeal to black and ethnic minority voters, who are expected to play a prominent role in the election after research showed that in 168 marginal seats the ethnic minority vote is bigger than the majority of the sitting MP.
“Our black and minority ethnic manifesto seeks to address the inequalities in the system to enable everyone regardless of their religion or ethnicity to fulfil their potential and ensure there is no inbuilt hindrance in their way.
“My message to your readers is that this will promote a rise in talent that will benefit us all.
“Don’t think that if my children fulfil their potential it will be to the detriment of your children.“No-one should be upset if we have successful police officers, journalists or photographers from diverse backgrounds.
“I am the son of a bus driver. I want working class children to aim for the stars to become journalists and photographers, or whatever they want to be, because in the long run it is not a zero sum game and will benefit us all.”
Among the proposals expected to feature in the manifesto include targets for the number of women and ethnic minorities on company boards.