Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2015

More proof that White people are hateful and need to be completely exterminated through massive third world immigration has come to light as the humanitarian EU plan to force all countries to take hordes of African colonizers has collapsed under the hatred.
Eastern Europe – one of the top racist places in the world, possibly second only to Baltimore, Maryland, – doesn’t want to meet quota.
Hungary, Slovakia and Estonia are among those to publicly object to a quota system, which would require unanimous agreement among the 28 EU nations.
“This is not solidarity. It is an unfair, unrighteous and dishonorable proposal which we cannot accept,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on state radio. “It is a crazy idea for someone to let refugees into their own country, not defend their borders, and then say: ‘Now I will distribute them among you, who did not want to let anyone in.'”
In a statement to The Associated Press, Slovakia’s interior ministry said that it “currently refuses binding quotas on migrants.” Estonia said it prefers voluntary relocation and resettlement for refugees.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that it will be “hard work” to put a quota system in place but said there was “a large group of countries” in favor. Merkel said she was “convinced that we will not be able to do without a solution in solidarity in Europe.”
Germany, along with Sweden and France, is among a handful of countries accepting refugees.
Has there ever in history been a bitch more vile than Angela Merkel?

Every time this woman opens her fat mouth it is to say something worse than the last thing she said.
But away from the media spotlight, weak economies, public opposition to migration and election campaigns mean that real solidarity remains elusive.
Ya think?
The EU is going to collapse. As if the economy was not enough, this “you must have millions of parasite African in your country and pay them to steal and rape” initiative is going to be the straw on the tired camel’s back.