12 Israeli Jewboys Gang-Rape 12-Year-Old, Distribute Video of the Act

Daily Stormer
December 23, 2013

Typical little rat Jewboy hooligans looking to film a gang-rape.
Typical little rat Jewboy hooligans looking to film a gang-rape.
I’m betting the girl was Arab.  But they also do this to their own women, I suppose.

Jews are in fact more perverse than blacks.  They just don’t have as much upper-body strength.

From Jerusalem Post:

A total of 12 boys ages 13 and 14 have been arrested for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl and filming and distributing a video of the act.

Tel Aviv police said Sunday the case is highly a sensitive and severe one, which they have placed at the top of their priorities. The story came to their attention just recently, when police received a video of the act.

They were not tipped off by a parent.

Investigators suspect there were other incidents that took place, but that the main one in question was at the students’ school.

Police said the girl was not dragged into the school or violently forced there against her will, rather, that she was pressured and unable to give her consent and unable to express her opposition to the acts.

The video in question was sent out by the students to their classmates after the act, police said, and eventually made its way into the hands of the youth crimes investigations department of the Dan subdistrict.