12-Year-Old ‘Asian’ Boy Raping Women in Manchester

Daily Stormer
October 19, 2013

A Muslim immigrant boy, apparently about 12-year-old, is carrying out a string of sexual assaults around the University of Manchester campus.

The police have released this computer sketch of the little monster:

12 year old muslim rapist

From the Daily Mail:

A 27-year-old was grabbed before she screamed and scared the offender off. Then an Asian boy made lewd comments to a 21-year-old woman as she left a library before attacking her.

In the third attack, on October 5, a 32-year-old was approached by two Asian boys and assaulted by one. Detective Constable Pam Collins said the attacker also made violent threats to the women.

Detective Constable Pam Collins from Longsight Police Station said: ‘After speaking to the women, we have managed to complete an evofit of the offender. As you can see from the image he looks fairly young which makes these assaults even more shocking.

‘After each woman has told the offender to go away he has followed this up with violent threats so we are keen to find this individual as soon as possible.

Yes, finding him as soon as possible is definitely a good idea, constable. Surely, the UK must have some sort of award prepared for him, being that he is going above and beyond his duty as a child immigrant to milk the welfare system and make life hell for local White children, taking on the adult immigrant duty of serial rape.

Great job, England!