12-Year-Old Boy Rapes Sister After Seeing Internet Porn at School

Daily Mail
November 27, 2013

The 12 year old boy admitted three counts of rape when he appeared before Newport Crown Court
The 12 year old boy admitted three counts of rape when he appeared before Newport Crown Court.

A 12-year-old boy tried to re-enact scenes from a porn film he watched in school on the internet by raping his younger sister, a court heard.

The schoolboy searched for the hardcore films with a classmate – before going home to copy what he had seen.

The boy admitted three charges of rape when he appeared before Newport Crown Court yesterday.

Rape The child who cannot be named for leagal reasons was attempting to re enact scenes he had seen in pornographic films the court heard
Rape: The child who cannot be named for legal reasons, was attempting to re-enact scenes he had seen in pornographic films, the court heard.

Judge Thomas Crowther QC said: ‘It’s a sad fact that many boys of his age will have been exposed to adult pornography.

‘But not all boys exposed to it will act as he did. He found pornography online and replicated what he saw.

‘Let us remind ourselves that the internet is not a benign babysitter but a mirror of adulthood in all its forms.’

The slightly built boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, sat between his parents as he was sentenced.

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