13 and 14-Year-Old Blacks Kill White Woman Vacuuming Her Car, Drive Around with Her Corpse in the Front Seat

Daily Stormer
November 15, 2015

RIP Tanya Chamberlain
RIP Tanya Chamberlain

Well. This is a weird thing to do.

Youths these days. Smdh.

NY Daily News:

Two Missouri teenagers fatally stabbed a woman while she was vacuuming her car and then went on a gruesome joyride with her dead body propped up in the front seat, according to reports.

The two boys, 13 and 14, allegedly stabbed 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain in the face, neck, chest and hands on Nov. 1 as she visited a local car wash and vacuumed her vehicle, according to documents obtained by KCTV5.

Surveillance video shows the eighth-graders exiting Quick Clean Car Wash wearing distinct hoodies that would later help police identify them as suspects.

The Nov. 1 time change for daylight saving time screwed up the nearby video footage, which shows the boys getting in the vehicle with Chamberlain in the front seat at around 1:57 a.m. — 40 minutes after Chamberlain is seen on camera vacuuming her car, according to the court documents.

A few minutes later the video boots back up and the car is gone, KCTV5 reported.

The documents state that the teens then took off in the vehicle with Chamberlain’s dead body propped up in the front seat with her feet on the dashboard.

Police pulled over the swerving vehicle about 20 minutes later for what seemed like intoxicated driving.

The boys fled from the vehicle and police lost sight of both of them after a brief foot pursuit, KCTV5 reported.

Inside the car, cops found a blood-covered pocket knife, possibly wrapped in Chamberlain’s hair, in the backseat, the documents state.

I just want to know why. What would make you want to do something like that to a defenseless lady,” Chamberlain’s friend Jeremiah Persinger told KCTV5.

Why did they do it?


Ever hear of slavery, buddy?

Maybe watch the movie Django Unchained again, then come tell me this woman didn’t have it coming.
