Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2016

Ah, you silly Germans.
You stupid, evil Nazis.
Immigration doesn’t make a country worse – it makes it better. It enriches it.
The only reason anyone would ever say immigration is making the country worse is that they hate the color of the skin.
Austria is going downhill, in the opinion of two-thirds of the population. They blame immigration for this above all (74%). Germans judge the situation in their country in exactly the same way. This was the result of parallel studies from the Spectra Institute in Linz for Austria and the IMAS Institute for Germany, which were presented on Friday.
People in both countries agree that immigration from the Middle East and Africa brings more disadvantages than advantages. In Austria the negative feeling predominates by 67% to 9%, in Germany 57% to 12%.
In both countries the jobs of their own population are seen as threatened (Austria: 42%, Germany. 30%). 34% of Austrians and 25% of Germans fear even worse. They agree with the statement: “If mass immigration continues like this, there will soon be civil war-like conditions.”
So Paranoid.
These Moslems are going to integrate and stop with the ficki ficki.
What’s more, they’re going to pay your pensions.
They just need classes telling them it is morally wrong to commit gang-rape.
Anyway, if Arabs wouldn’t have come to Germany to mass gang-rape German women, White British people would have. It’s a known fact of logic called the Nirvana Fallacy.
Just look it up on Wikipedia. It is a logical fallacy to suggest that if it wasn’t for mass-Moslem immigration, there would be no gang sex-attacks.
Also, race war can’t be prevented by not having mass immigration. If you didn’t have a race with with Islamic immigrants, you would have a race war with White British.
Simple common sense.