13-Year-Old Demon-Brat Jailed for Just 12 Years After Stomping White Woman to Death

Daily Mail
April 20, 2015

Glynis Bensley was walking home in her own country, when the filthy parasites jumped her and then stomped her to death.

A boy of 13 has become one of the UK’s youngest murderers after he was jailed for killing a woman he had just mugged by stamping on her face so hard it left a footprint on her cheek.

Shocking CCTV footage shows the horrendous moment Petri Kurti murdered 47-year-old Glynis Bensley before he fled to a nearby park in Smethwick, West Midlands and boasted about the savage attack.

The schoolboy, who can be named after a judge lifted a reporting restriction order, was jailed for a minimum of 12 years today and will be on licence for life.

Zoheb Majid, the brat’s partner-in-crime, will be back prowling the streets within 10 years.

His co-defendant, Zoheb Majid, was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for manslaughter and robbery.

Sentencing Judge John Warner said the boy had been ‘running wild’ in his home life.

‘You come from a home where there has been a complete lack of boundaries or structure where neither parents understand the seriousness of your behaviour – they blame others.

‘This reinforces your own clear reluctance to take responsibility for your own actions.’

The victims distraught family were in court to see the wild beasts sent down.

Previously the court heard how the pair had teamed up with the sole intention of carrying out a violent robbery.

CCTV footage captured Kurti jumping Ms Bensley in the street as she made her way home from Seven Stars pub.

Majid joined in seconds later before the pair flipped her body over to ransack her pockets. Kurti was then filmed stamping on her face, leaving a shoe print on her skin.

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