Daily Stormer
January 20, 2014

LA police Saturday cracked down on a protest demanding justice for Kelly Thomas, a privileged White man who was beaten to death by two police officers – one an oppressed minority, mind you – while he begged for his life.
14 were arrested in a protest taking place less than a week after the manic Mexican Manuel Ramos and creepy Italian Jay Cicinelli, who brutally murdered Thomas, were cleared of all charges.
From the LA Times:
Two people were arrested for vandalism, one for assault, one for robbery and 10 for refusing to follow an order to disperse, according to Fullerton police.
The department is reviewing video footage of the incident and has identified additional suspects, which will probably lead to more arrests, the department said.
[…]The peaceful rally took a turn after a videographer who was filming the demonstration for CBS-2 was allegedly struck in the face by a female protester. The reporter sought shelter in the news van as several people surrounded the vehicle, preventing it from leaving, police said.
The news crew called 911, resulting in the arrest of a Tustin resident, police said. The videographer sustained minor facial injuries but was not hospitalized, according to Sgt. Jeff Stuart.
Many Fullerton residents also called 911 to ask for assistance in driving through the area. Police declared the protest an unlawful assembly and issued a dispersal order, the department said. Most protesters cooperated, but one group refused to follow orders, which resulted in additional arrests.
Those who weren’t arrested for “refusal to disperse” were arrested on charges totally unrelated to a protest.
Were these people even associated with the protest, or did they just happen to be in the same area?
I wonder – did they happen to be black?
Two people were arrested for spray-painting graffiti at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Commonwealth Avenue and on the police station.
An additional suspect was arrested and charged with robbery after he attempted to steal items from a Stater Bros. store in the 300 block of North Euclid Avenue, according to police.
It appears that there will now be an organized effort by the California authorities to squelch dissent over the Kelly Thomas verdict.
I can’t help but wonder if this whole thing would be going a little bit differently if Kelly had looked a little bit more like a potential son of Obama.