14 Reasons to be a White Nationalist

Daily Stormer
December 23, 2014

Heil, Heil.

1. I believe in our right to exist as a distinct people and take pride in our identity, as I do for all races

2. The beauty of White women must not be allowed to perish from the earth.

3. The idea of White children being vastly outnumbered by non-Whites in their ancient homeland breaks my heart.

4. I fear extinction more than I fear being labelled ‘racist’ ‘bigot’ ‘fascist’ ‘nazi’ etc.

5. I want my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to look like me.

6. I am sick of having European identity stolen by outsiders.

7. All cultures and people are not equal, some pose a direct threat to my people.

8. I hate feeling like a foreigner in my own country.

9. I hate seeing the ethnic replacement of all European people in our ancestral land.

10. I owe it to my ancestors to safeguard what countless generations of our people fought and died to defend.

11. I have not fallen for the anti-White propaganda that is pushed by media, schools, government etc.

12. All unique species and sub-species need their own territory to survive. White people are forbidden to have their own living space, we are forced to have ‘Diversity.’

13. I reject the New World Order of a single race, single government, John Lennon styled dystopia.

14. I love my family and my race is my extended genetic family, I will always put the interests of my people first.