14-Year-Old Philip Chism Who Murdered and Raped White Math Teacher Pleads ‘Not Guilty’

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2013

No Little Black Sambo: The Monkey-Demon Philip Chism is infused with all of the million year old evil of the Dark Continent.
No Little Black Sambo: The Monkey-Demon Philip Chism is infused with all of the million year old evil of the Dark Continent.

Philip Chism, the satanic little black boy who torture-raped his math teacher, Colleen Ritzer, in a horror show which involved vaginally penetrating her with a tree branch before slitting her throat with a box cutter and dumping her in a recycle bin, has pleaded ‘not guilty’ to charges of murder and rape.

Given that if Obama had a son, he would look like Philip, the media is going very easy on him, as they do with all of Obama’s potential sons.  It wouldn’t be surprising if the court also decides to go easy on him.

Philip Chism, son of Obama, and his victim (oppressor) Colleen Ritzer.
Philip Chism, son of Obama, and his victim (oppressor) Colleen Ritzer.

Right now, they are claiming the whole thing is a ‘mystery’ and that they can’t establish a motive, so it must be ‘insanity.’  Of course, the obvious ‘motive’ is the in-born jealousy of blacks, which results in an often irresistible drive to brutally butcher Whites, particularly young White women.  But our politicized courts do not allow obvious realities such as this to be recognized.

He is probably going to be granted ‘insane’ status, and be sentenced only to a few years in a medical facility.

In a more just era, he would have been hanging from a tree within thirty minutes of when the body was discovered.  Truly, while the Jews tell us we are advancing, we are in fact regressing to a state where we tolerate the most abominable forms of bestial brutality.