Refugee Resettlement Watch
September 11, 2015

Only a week ago the US State Department contractors (who we hear are leading the State Dept. by the nose!) are now demanding that Obama admit 100,000 Syrians ASAP when only last week they said they would be satisfied with a mere 65,000.
Remember readers that the so-called “religious groups” mentioned in this article are PAID BY THE HEAD TO RESETTLE REFUGEES and that they decide to which towns and cities they will distribute them.
Reuters (Hey Reuters, when are you ever going to do a little research and mention that these are US State Department contractors largely funded with US taxpayer dollars masquerading as Christian and Jewish not-for-profit charities!):
(Reuters) – Religious groups in the United States have urged the White House to step up its response to the Syrian refugee crisis, with one on Tuesday calling Washington’s efforts so far “disappointing.”
Church World Service, a global humanitarian organization that represents 37 Christian denominations, has called on the government to take in 100,000 Syrians over the next year, said Jen Smyers, who works on the group’s immigration and refugee program.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and the Jewish refugee assistance agency HIAS along with secular groups have also backed that figure.
The article goes on to tell us that the Lutherans think (in their infinite wisdom) that “the government’s definition of terrorism is overly broad.”
For new readers, below are the nine federal contractors paid with your tax dollars to resettle refugees in the towns of their choice!
“…assigning refugees to cities in the United States does not fall to the State Department. Those decisions are made by a consortium of nine national nongovernmental organizations.”
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)
By the way, if your local church is doing a “Crop Walk,” then you are raising money for Church World Service which has 5 other employees in 6-figure salaries in addition to McCullough.
Reminder! Obama will be making the all important decision on refugees for FY2016 any day now.