15-Year-Old Female Haji Stabbed Policeman for ISIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2016

Yeah, just another story of migrant terrorism in Germany.

Nevermind this.

We need to focus on stopping these Nazis and helping Turkey get into the EU.


GERMAN PROSECUTORS SAY a 15-year-old girl who stabbed a policeman in the neck earlier this year was carrying out an operation for the Islamic State jihadist group.

The teenager – identified as Safia S. – attacked the officer in February during a routine check at Hannover train station in the north of the country, before being overpowered by another police officer.

She has since been in preventive custody while police investigate the motives behind her action.

Following the probe, federal prosecutors said in a statement yesterday that the teenager had been remanded in custody for “attempted murder, aggravated assault and for her support for a foreign terrorist organisation”.

They said the girl had “embraced the radical jihadist ideology of the foreign terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” by November 2015 and was in contact with an IS fighter in Syria.


In January, she travelled to Istanbul where she was due to meet two IS middlemen who were meant to help her cross into Syria. But the plan was aborted when her mother brought her back to Germany.

Nevertheless, while in Istanbul, “she was convinced by IS members to carry out a martyrdom operation for the group in Germany”.

“In light of this, the accused armed herself with a vegetable knife and a steak knife and went to the main train station,” prosecutors said.