15-Year-Old White Kid Beat by Nogs Playing Knockout Game in a McDonald’s Bathroom

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2018

The knockout game is a game Blacks play where they beat the hell out of random Whites for laughs.

Why do we keep these apes around?


A disturbing video that shows a 15-year-old boy getting violently beaten inside a McDonald’s bathroom has left a South Florida mom in shock and disbelief over the senseless act.

Video shows the 15-year-old sophomore at Wellington High getting pummelled continuously in the bathroom stall by a 17-year-old student. The victim’s mother said her son went to a McDonald’s in Wellington to order some food when the incident happened.

The 15-year-old covered his face and curled up into a ball as the 17-year-old unleashed punch after punch, causing the victim to fall to the ground. Another student who joined the attacker caught the whole incident on video. The footage was circulated around the school and the victim was left with bruises and other injuries.