15-Year-Old Yemini Girl Burned Alive by Father for ‘Communicating with Her Fiance’

November 21, 2013

A typical scene in Yemen.
A typical scene in Yemen.

A 15-year-old Yemeni girl was burned to death by her father for “communicating with her fiance,” according to Yemen’s Interior Ministry.

The father, a 35-year-old man, was arrested Tuesday in a village in Taiz Province. The statement did not clarify when the girl was killed.

The case, which activists are calling an honor crime, is once again highlighting the plight of young girls in Yemen, where child marriages and honor killings still happen.

According to Human Rights Watch, more than half of all females in Yemen are married off before the age of 18.

Leading child rights advocate Ahmed Al-Qureshi confirmed to CNN his organization, Seyaj, had been asked to investigate the incident, one he considered an “honor killing.”

Honor killings are a problem in Yemen, a deeply tribal and conservative country, Al-Qureshi said. “Most incidents of honor killing take place in rural areas where tribal law is applied.”

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