In a Just World, the Murderer of Amanda Blackburn Would Be Publicly Hanged by the State

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
November 17, 2015

40 FBI agents were dispatched to investigate ‘civil rights’ crimes in Ferguson.

The FBI interviewed friends, colleagues, and associates of George Zimmerman – 30 to be exact – in an effort to conclude if he was a racist.

And it seems virtually no one cares about the murder of Amanda Blackburn and her unborn child. [UPDATE: IMPD releases first surveillance photos of person of interest in Amanda Blackburn’s murder,, 11-16-15]:

Tuesday will mark one week since the murder of Amanda Blackburn.

Davey and Amanda Blackburn: Amanda was murdered last week and the police in Indianapolis are just tonight releasing a photo of the suspect
Davey and Amanda Blackburn: Amanda was murdered last week and the police in Indianapolis are just tonight releasing a photo of the suspect

Someone shot and killed the preacher’s wife inside their northwest Indianapolis home early in the morning of November 10. Right now, police say they do not have any updates on the investigation.

Over the weekend, Amanda’s family and friends celebrated her life during a memorial service. Even strangers showed up, moved by such a senseless crime.

The 28-year-old and her husband, Pastor David Blackburn, were expecting their second child. Detectives cleared Pastor Blackburn early on, saying video confirms his whereabouts at the time of the murder. Blackburn found his wife dead after returning home from an early Tuesday morning workout at the gym.

Homicide detectives also have video from at least two homes in their subdivision.

Security cameras possibly recorded the suspect’s car and a man wearing a hoodie seen the morning of the burglary and murder. IMPD will not say if or when they will release still images from the video.

Investigators say it could be the same burglar who broke into the Blackburns’ neighbor’s house two doors down the same morning. Detectives are checking nearby pawn shops for a stolen laptop and three televisions, including a 50-inch flat screen.

Meanwhile, other neighbors are posting reward flyers in their windows. They also passed out 1,000 flyers in their subdivision and the surrounding area, hoping to help generate tips for investigators. The flyer highlights the $1,000 cash reward for the anonymous tip to the Crime Stoppers hotline that leads to a suspect arrest. The hotline is open 24/7 at 317-262-TIPS.

One full week, and the Indianapolis Metro Police Department finally releases a grainy, Big Foot-style image of the suspect.

In our world, justice is an outdated concept, an anarchism representing a more civilized time.

In a just world, the murderer of Amanda Blackburn would be publicly hanged and if his parent(s)/grandparents were on welfare, they would be immediately denied further benefits.