Man Threatened to Kidnap Obama’s Dog

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016


I hate our monkey President more than anyone else in the world. But going after a man’s dog is just wrong, no matter what sort of cruel bastard he is.

Fox News:

A North Dakota man who allegedly planned to dognap Bo – one of the White House pooches – was arrested in Washington D.C. this week, according to court documents.

Scott Stockert was charged Wednesday after Secret Service agents were alerted that a man was intending to steal the Portugese water dog, according to Politico. The first family has two water dogs, Bo and Sunny.

Stockert’s car was found to contain a 12-gauge shotgun and a black bolt action rifle, as well as over 300 rounds of ammunition. He was arrested at a Washington hotel and charged with illegally carrying a rifle or shotgun outside a home or business.

“You picked the wrong person to mess with,” Stockert reportedly told police. “I will f— your world up,” he said, before later claiming he was Jesus Christ and that his parents were John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe.

Online court records show Stockert was ordered released from custody Friday but must wear an ankle monitor.