160,000 Britons Have Their Jobs Stolen by Alien Races from Outside the EU

Daily Mail
May 8, 2014

The report shows that migrants cost the school system a third more than natives and are pushing up the house prices too.

Migrants have forced tens of thousands of Britons out of the workplace, a landmark report warned yesterday.

An independent panel of advisers found that, between 2005 and 2010, 160,000 people had been ‘displaced’, or left jobless, by a huge influx of foreign workers.

For every four migrant workers who come to the country from outside the EU, one British job is lost, the experts said.

The Migration Advisory Committee also criticised the way ministers have used the potential impact on Gross Domestic Product, or GDP – the total size of the economy – to decide whether large-scale immigration was desirable.

Professor David Metcalf, chairman of  the MAC, said it had led ‘inexorably’ to ‘pro-immigration’ policies because more migrants will logically expand the economy.

He called on ministers instead to consider the impact on schools, hospitals, congestion, crime rates and house prices.

Referring to the current system, Professor Metcalf said: ‘The main gainer is the migrant. It’s not the British resident. The focus should be on the British resident.’

Tory ministers were last night urged to seize on the findings of the report to impose far stricter border controls.

To date, the Liberal Democrats have been undermining attempts to crack down on economic migration.

There was a rise of 600,000 migrants since may 2004 and a 450,000 rise in youth unemployment in the same period. Coincidence?

But, in the first study of its kind, the MAC – set up by the last Labour government, and independent of Whitehall – said large-scale immigration was having a significant impact on the job prospects of the ‘native’ population.

The report, which follows years of controversy over whether immigration leads to fewer jobs for British workers, showed that every increase of 100 foreign-born working-age migrants in the UK was linked to a reduction of 23 Britons in employment between 1995 and 2010.

Between 2005 and 2010 alone, the number of working-age migrants in employment rose by 700,000 and displaced 160,000 British-born workers, it said.

Average wages remain the same, the MAC said, but the highest wages get higher and the lower wages get lower.

Asked if there would be 160,000 extra jobs for British workers if there had been no immigration, Professor Metcalf said: ‘Yes, that would be a reasonable way of putting it.’

It follows a contrasting report by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research which said the number of immigrants coming to the UK had little or no impact on the number of unemployed.

The MAC report found that house prices and rents are being pushed up by the number of migrants coming to the UK.

It added that migrants will inevitably contribute to the demand for public services, commit crime and generate congestion in the same way any increase in the UK-born population would.

However, the report concluded that migrants from inside the EU, including Eastern Europe, have ‘little or no impact on the native employment rate’.


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