The New Observer
February 8, 2016
Carnival floats with Tiger Tanks, U-Boats, and a “plague-bearing Balkan Express” sowed panic among German liberals this weekend after they made their unexpected appearance during this weekend’s traditional parades around the country.
Satirical parade floats are a fixture of Germany’s carnival festivities, and this year was certainly no exception.
In the town Wasungen Erfurt, Thuringia, a float made up as a train with the inscription “Balkan Express” on its side and the slogan “The Plague Comes” on the front was the first to draw attention.
Interviewed by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) television service, the float president said that none of the floats had been censored, and that it was all done in good humor.
The float makers and their accompanying participants were also tracked down by the MDR team. Decked out in green face paint and grasshopper uniforms, they denied that their float was in any way referring to the invasion of Germany by 1.5 million nonwhites coming up through the Balkan route.
President of the Landesverband Thüringer Karenevalveriene (LKT) Michael Danz, however, expressed his doubt about the denial to MDR.
However, the grasshopper plague-bearing Balkan Express was just the start of the liberal nightmares.
In the town of Ilmtal, in the district Weimarer Land, also in the state of Thuringia, a float appeared made up as a World War II Tiger Tank, complete with camouflage-wearing crew, and the slogan Ilmtaker Asylabwehr (“Ilmtal’s defense against asylum seekers”) on the side, and “Asylum Package III” on the front.
This “Asylum Package III” is a reference to the Angela Merkel government’s recently announced “new plan” on dealing with the “asylum” invasion, dubbed “asylum package II” by the controlled media.
In Solingen, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, yet another float appeared, this time in the shape of a U-Boat. Sporting a serial number U-96 (the same one made famous by the Das Boot movie), this float carried the unequivocal message, “They should be fighting for their land, instead of groping with their hand” on the side—a direct reference to the mass sex-attacks being carried out by the nonwhite invaders since their arrival in Germany during 2015.
To incite liberal sentiment even further, the U-Boat sported a crew dressed up in World War II Kriegsmarine and Wehrmacht uniforms, the latter complete with steel helmets.
Yet another float showed three mullahs in the form of the “three wise monkeys” meme with hands on eyes, ears, and mouth. On each mullah’s hat was written a message, “terror has nothing to do with religion.”
The open display of floats such as these is a further indication of the rapid polarization that the Merkel-inspired invasion is causing, and not just in Germany.