Evil Former Mexican President Says Trump is the New Hitler

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016

Our gross enemies continue to rain praise on Glorious Leader 2016 by comparing him to Glorious Leader 1933.


Former Mexican President Vicente Fox on Friday kept up his withering criticism of Donald Trump, saying the GOP front-runner reminds him of Adolf Hitler.

“Today, he’s going to take that nation (U.S.) back to the old days of conflict, war and everything. I mean, he reminds me of Hitler. That’s the way he started speaking,” Fox told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a phone interview on “Anderson Cooper 360.”

“He has offended Mexico, Mexicans, (and) immigrants. He has offended the Pope. He has offended the Chinese. He’s offended everybody.”

What did that feel like, when the Donald hurt your feelings by popping this jig?

Describe the sensations of emotions when you realized that the jig was up.

Fox’s comments come one day after he delivered a scathing response on Trump’s plan to make Mexico pay for a wall between the Mexico-U.S. border.

“I’m not going to pay for that f***ing wall,” Fox said in an interview with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos.

Fox told Cooper he won’t apologize for that remark.

Oh, you’re going to pay for it.

I can tell you that.

Fox’s remarks come after last month, the lying Jewish stepsister of the Jewish historical hoax figure Anne Frank said Trump was the new Hitler.

A couple days ago, the ancient Jewish communist Noam Chomsky came out and made a similar claim.