“German” MPs Warned if They Travel to Turkey They will be Assassinated

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2016


Turkey is a great and noble ally.

But be warned: if you do something that hurts their feelings, they will assassinate your politicians.


Eleven German MPs of Turkish descent, who voted for recognition of the Armenian genocide, have reportedly received a travel warning from the German Foreign Ministry. They were told not to visit Turkey – or face safety risks there.

German MPs of Turkish origin have been recommended not travel to Turkey in the nearest future as “their security could not be guaranteed,”Der Spiegel reported on Saturday, citing an internal communication from the Foreign Ministry.

“It is unspeakable to know for the first time that it’s no longer possible to fly there,” Aydan Ozoguz, a Socialist Democratic Party MP told Der Spiegel. “Erdogan needs to realize that we are not an extension of Turkey,” she said.

Other German-Turkish MPs have already canceled business trips to Ankara and summer holidays on the Bosporus, according to the magazine. One lawmaker reportedly made sure that his parents leave their family house in Turkey, seeking shelter at a hotel in another city.

Cem Ozdemir, Green Party leader and one of the advocates of the resolution to recognize the genocide, has said: “Of course, I think of what happens if someone goes nuts and does street justice.”

Last week, 11 MPs of Turkish descent voted for a landmark resolution, sparking a barrage of accusations and threats from Turkey. Almost immediately after the vote, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the lawmakers’ blood must be tested in a lab for “Turkishness,” labeling them “the long arm of the separatist terrorists placed in Germany.”

The resolution, titled “Remembrance and commemoration of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the years 1915 and 1916,” received overwhelming support from the CDU and Social Democrats, as well as the opposition Greens.

It includes the word “genocide” in its headline and text that reads “the fate of the Armenians is exemplary in the history of mass exterminations, ethnic cleansing, deportations and yes, genocide, which marked the 20th century in such a terrible way.”

But we can’t stop being friends with Turkey just because they’re planning to assassinate politicians.

Because they are the only ones with the skills and technology to stop these infinity boat people.