Trump Officially Announces Comrade Pence as VP

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 16, 2016

Here’s the full Trump-Pence announcement event held in New York City at the New York Hilton Midtown.

Pence seems like an alright guy. Nothing to get all excited about, but nothing to get rustled about.

It’s two strong White men. That’s what’s important.

It’s also important that Pence looks like Race Bannon from Johnny Quest.


It’s also important that it isn’t Newt Gingrich.

Despite the fact that after he said that thing about deporting all practicing Moslems even if they’re citizens – which really did kick everything up a bit – I was sort of reconsidering. I mean, that’s like one step removed from calling to send Blacks back to Africa.

But still, he’s a scumbag, and basically recanted on that after he said it. Until he starts pushing hard for mass deportations of all Moslems and stripping them of their citizenship, I will not trust Newt.

Pence has shilled for a few things we don’t like, but he could be a lot worse.