Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2014

Jacob Dorsey, a 19-year-old Wisconsin Republican running for a seat on the state assembly, dropped out of the race on Tuesday after admitting that he had used the words “fag” and “nigger” in internet comments sections.
He apologized, like a coward, for using such horrible and hateful language on Twitter and YouTube.
In December 2013, Dorsey tweeted “fags need 2 leave my favorite state alone” after a judge decided not to stay the ruling that struck down Utah’s gay marriage ban, according to the NOManiancs blog.
Now, Dorsey admitted that he made other offensive comments on Twitter and YouTube, which were discovered by the NOManiacs blog.
In comments on YouTube videos, he used the words “fags” and “niggers.” In one comment he said “Niggers trash cars. I’m not selling my town car to one…” according to NOManiac’s screenshots, which were also posted on the Janesville Community Facebook page.