Not Funny: British Girls Dressed-Up Like WTC Attack for Halloween

Daily Stormer
November 7, 2013

This was "meant to be serious."
This was “meant to be serious.”
Gah.  As if we needed anymore proof of the deviousness of British people.  They are likely planning a second invasion as we speak.

From ABC:

Amber Langford and Annie Collinge, 19-year-old students at the University of Chester, dressed up as the Twin Towers for Halloween. The pair donned American flags on their heads and wore tower outfits that featured planes, explosions, smoke and people jumping to their deaths from the upper floors.

Langford and Collinge won the “best dressed” award at Rosie’s nightclub in Chester that night, and received about $240 in shopping vouchers.

“Both the University of Chester and Chester Students’ Union utterly condemn the appalling photos which have been shared on social media,” said the University of Chester and Chester Students’ Union in a joint statement. “Both organizations have begun an urgent investigation into the circumstances around which these images have been taken with a view to taking the necessary action.”

The teens said in a statement, “We never meant to be offensive, but we apologize if any offense was caused. The idea was to depict a serious, modern-day horror that happened in our lifetime and was not intended as a joke.”

(That is a bit of sarcasm at the top, my dear British cousins. Though I don’t think anyone in America would have done this specific sick act, we definitely do similar things.)