Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2015
This is a public service announcement produced by the Inglewood Police Department in the 1950s designed to warn young men about the threat of homosexuals trying to exploit them.
They made this PSA not because they were filled with hatred because of Christianity, but because it was something that was happening at the time that they dealt with.
And, of course, it still happens now. More than it ever did. But we don’t warn boys about it. Instead, we tell them that homosexuals are their friends, and no threat, and it is cool to be around them.
What we are doing by refusing to ever question sexual deviants is leaving boys open to be abused on a massive scale.
Now, we have PSAs claiming that the real victims are the feelings of the abusers themselves.
It is very similar to the situation with Black rapists in America, and Paki child-groomers in Britain. Girls are not warned that they are hundreds of times more likely to be violated by a non-White than a White man, so it is very important that they be extra alert in situations where they encounter these men.
Political correctness is not a system of morality, as they attempt to sell it. It is a system of deep immorality which leads to untold human suffering.
These are just facts: homosexuals hurt boys, non-Whites hurt girls. But the Jewish system of cultural Marxism does not care about facts. It is an attempt to completely reshape reality by denying the existence of reality.
It is a war with nature, and this very concept is pure evil.