1957: Gerald L. K. Smith Warns America of the International Bolshevik Jew Conspiracy

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2014

The audio in this video is that of the legendary anti-Communist Christian Nationalist Gerald L K Smith, who George Lincoln Rockwell described as an “old-fashioned, roof -lifting, earth-shaking, soul-shattering” orator.

Rockwell described seeing a speech by Smith as a life-changing experience in his book White Power:

Gerald Smith is the master to end all masters of the human voice. Whatever else he may be, he can seize you by the lapels of your soul, jerk you out of your seat, and hold you helpless and spellbound for as long as he wants to. He does not just roar and bellow.

He whispers ; he sighs; he wheezes; he coos; then he blasts with the power of a locomotive roaring through a tunnel. He laughs; he cries; he howls; he cajoles; he mimics; he screams; he begs; he goes back to whispering , sneers, leers, yells, bursts into hysterical laughter —then whimpers some heart-rending bit which leaves you limp. I sat in the balcony , literally on the edge of my seat. Gerald Smith is still the grandest master of the spoken word alive today, and I would walk twenty miles to hear him again.

But it was not just the way he spoke which captivated me— it was what he said. When you peeled aside all the emotional overtones of his speech, and got down to the raw meat, you found the basic elements of recognizable truth , beautifully put together to show, at last, the clear pattern of what it is the Jews are trying to do with their conspiracy.

Reverend Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith (February 27, 1898April 15, 1976) was a fundamentalist minister, frequent presidential candidate, and an American nationalist leader for three decades. He was an advocate of Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth movement and a presidential candidate for the America First Party in 1944. He started several nationalist organizations and was the foremost American nationalist leader during the post-war period. Gerald Smith was a dynamic speaker. H. L. Mencken called him “the greatest orator of them all.”

Read his full bio at Metapedia