1983 DC Comic: Negro Science Man Does Muh Dick on Beaked Birdperson

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2017

There’s something I think you all deserve to know.

In a 1983 issue of Infinity Inc, we find a disturbing scene.

The comic, written by Roy Thomas, follows the story of several young superheroes learning the ropes of superheroing.

A negro boy with wings is introduced as a character in the first issue.

Just how did a negro boy end up with wings, the reader wonders.

Thankfully, he is invited to tell his life story.

It’s because his father, a negro scientist, fucked a birdwoman.


Hatched from an egg.

That is darn weird.

Roy Thomas isn’t Jewish, but the entire comic book industry has been controlled by Jews throughout its existence, and there were certainly mostly Jewish editors at DC in the 80s.

These comics from the 80s were still targeted mainly at children (as opposed to now, where it is all anti-social middle aged men and/or weird hipsters in the comics shops), and they contained all sorts of Jewish indoctrination messages.

Interspecies sex is often portrayed in science fiction as a metaphor for racial miscegenation. However, I’ve watched a lot of science-fiction shows, read a lot of science fiction books, and I’ve never seen anyone have sex with an alien race that was so animalian as to have a beak. That is simply bizarre.

You’ll note they covered up the beak with a sharia veil thing.

While you’ve got the black scientist element here, this is also basically racist – “no one’s going to believe a man would have sex with a beaked birdperson – except a black man. Black people will have sex with anything that moves.”

You know black science man gonna crack that birdpussy, get he dat egg son he ain’t got no seeds to feed – “bitch quit yo squakin, ah ain’t got no muffuggen money fo no seeds. Dun spent it all on science equipment. And crack.”

Anyway, that’s all.

I just thought you all should be made aware of this issue.

How would they depict this if it happened now?

  1. “Comic Shows That Love Goes Beyond Species – And Phylum Chordate Orders,” or
  2. “Racist Comic Portrays Black Man as Sexually Preying on Birds”

I can’t say.

But I think the first one.
