1989: Archbishop Lefebvre on Moslem Invasion

Diversity Macht Frei
October 18, 2017

It’s always good to remember the prophets, the ones who saw this coming while the rest of us were still blind. Here we have Marcel Lefebvre, a conservative Archbishop within the Catholic Church from which he was ultimately excommunicated. This press conference took place in 1989. He had actually lived among Muslims in Africa so he knew them well.

“For as long as Moslems are an insignificant minority in a Christian country they can live in a friendly way, because they follow the laws and customs of the country which accepts them. But as soon as they are numerous and organized they become aggressive and they seek to impose their laws, which are hostile to European civilization. Examples are abundant. Soon they will take charge of our city councils, and will transform our churches into mosques. We will either have to become Moslem, leave the country or become their captives. This is in the profound nature of Islam. It is not I who am racist in denouncing this very racism.

“It is not I who am racist because I denounce racism. I lived all my life in the midst of other races ‑ thirty years in Africa, among animists and Moslems. There I strove to bring them both spiritual and material goods ‑ schools, hospitals, etc. They showed their gratitude in decorating me as Officer of the Equatorial Star of Gabon and Grand Officer of the National Order of Senegal, and the French government recognized my overseas services by making me Officer of the Legion of Honor.” – Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
