2 Black Brothers Convicted of Murdering White Woman who Asked Them to Drive Carefully

January 20, 2014

Wendy Fisher was shot in the chest by Blacks when she asked them to slow down a bit.

After more than three hours of deliberation, a jury finds both Trayon Washington and Pat Brown guilty for murdering Wendy Fisher.

It’s a verdict Fisher’s family was hoping for.

“We’re so glad to have justice for our daughter and I believe she is up there in heaven just saying, ‘Way to go momma, alright, alright dad, yeah,'” said Carol Fisher, Fisher’s mother.

“Each and every one of them came in here and told the truth and the right verdict was reached,” said Jennifer Wright.

Wright prosecuted the case. She says there was no one key piece of evidence that lead to the conviction, but rather the willingness of everyone involved to do their part.

“I was pretty difficult. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get up there and look them in the face but I did it and I’m glad I did it,” said Madeleine North, Fisher’s daughter.

Trayon Washington and Pat Brown were both in the car together. Trayon was the one who shot and killed Wendy.

Fisher’s daughter and her boyfriend Robert Russo witnessed the murder. As Fisher and Pat Brown began to argue, Russo came to her defense and the argument escalated. He says knowing the gun was aimed at him is hard to live with.

“For the longest time, you blame yourself. If the gun was pointed at me? Were those bullets meant for me? And you question your role in the whole situation and what you could’ve done differently.

But in the end, I just gotta tell myself it wasn’t me. I’m not the one who had the gun. I’m not the one who pulled the trigger,” said Russo.

Still the family the 19-year old accused of pulling the trigger maintains he’s innocent.

“The truth will come out one day. It’s gonna happen. My son did not kill Ms.Wendy Fisher,” said Charlene Washington, Trayon Washington’s mother.

The lawyer for the driver of the car, Pat Brown, weighs his options.  “The judge said on the record that it was a razor thin case. We respect the jury’s verdict whole heartedly, but we are not done. There are motions that will be filed,” said Jason Darley, Pat Brown’s attorney.

Sentencing for Trayon Washington and Pat Brown is scheduled for Sepetember 27th.