Daily Slave
August 8, 2014

The American Conference on Diversity looks like another one of these retarded Marxist projects promoting the insanity of multiculturalism. Not surprisingly, this appears to be a project that is run by an unholy alliance of Jews and Blacks.
Here’s a link to their Board of Trustees. The non-Blacks mostly all look like Jews except for maybe one or two people. As if that wasn’t bad enough the CEO is a fat Aunt Jemima look-a-like named Elizabeth Williams-Riley.
It looks as if the purpose of this Marxist inspired summer camp is to brainwash High School students – particularly White High School students – into believing that there is no difference between races and that we should blindly accept all sorts of bizarre faggotry while embracing unity. It is difficult not to use profane language in describing how absurd and stupid this whole initiative is.
Try not to vomit when watching this video of the fat ape CEO.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors from 20 high schools across New Jersey recently participated in American Conference on Diversity’s 19th annual Lead for Diversity, a week long summer retreat that kicks off a yearlong leadership-development program.
On the fifth day the students were joined by their school advisers to create diversity action plans that will address challenges specific to their schools and/or school districts. The action plans will be implemented throughout the upcoming school year, said Elizabeth Williams-Riley, president and CEO of New Brunswick-based American Conference on Diversity.
The successful implementation of these plans has the potential to reach more than 20,000 New Jersey students, educators and community members during the upcoming school year, she said.
“The students will apply the lessons learned to their school environments to create lasting change,” Williams-Riley said. “The plans may change based on their ability to yield greater success and a more comprehensive assessment when they start school in September. This yearlong engagement process will involve various levels before, during and after school.”
Held at the Poconos Environmental Education Center in Dingmans Ferry, Pa., the retreat lays the groundwork for a initiative designed to promote unity, increase diversity awareness, and ensure respect for people of all races, faiths, ethnicities, sexual identities/expressions, ability status and ages.
“Our goal is to develop future leaders who will help others to become more accountable for their actions and behaviors,” said Williams-Riley.
Three schools represented Central Jersey at the retreat: Franklin High School, Gill St. Bernard’s School in Gladstone, and Spotswood High School. During the week, teams of students embarked on a six-day journey into diversity that included large and small group discussions, workshops and experiential learning activities.
Franklin High School will launch a Verbal Dehumanization Campaign, Williams-Riley said, the goal of which is to educate students on the effects of name-calling and create an understanding of ways to respect different experiences based on sexual orientation.