Daily Slave
January 4, 2015

Due to the Jew media’s coverage of a deranged faggot’s suicide, we now have 200,000 Marxist retards signing a petition to ban transgender conversion therapy. Apparently the dead faggot was sent to such therapy sessions by his parents because they didn’t want him to be a dysfunctional human being. The Jew media is basically linking the therapy to the fag’s suicide even though there were many other things that likely led to this creature’s suicide.
A petition to enact a “Leelah’s Law” and ban transgender conversion therapy has gathered more than 200,000 virtual signatures in less than 48 hours of its posting to change.org.
The petition, addressed to President Barack Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calls for the president and House leadership to “immediately seek a pathway for banning the practice known as ‘transgender conversion therapy.’ ”
Posted by the Transgender Human Rights Institute, the petition asks for the bill be named in memory of Leelah Alcorn.
It is hard to believe that the people signing this petition actually want to make it illegal to give psychological treatment to people with gender identity disorder.
So now gender identity disorder is a trendy lifestyle choice that should be celebrated and not looked at as a mental illness.
What is wrong with all of you people?