Italy: Catholic Leader Says We’ll All be Moslems (We’re All Gonna be Brown, Too)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2017

Well, I guess there’s at least one Catholic who isn’t cucked.

Daily Mail:

An important figure in the Catholic church has warned that everyone in Italy will ‘soon be Muslim’ due to the country’s ‘stupidity’.

Italian Archbishop, Monsignor Carlo Liberati, said that the growing number of Muslim migrants in Europe and increasing secularism will lead to Islam becoming the continent’s foremost religion.

The Bishop Emeritus of Pompeii said: ‘In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity. Italy and Europe live in a pagan and atheist way, they make laws that go against God and they have traditions that are proper of paganism.

‘All of this moral and religious decadence favours Islam.’

He added: ‘We have a weak Christian faith. The Church nowadays does not work well and seminaries are empty.

‘Parishes are the only thing still standing. We need a true Christian life. All this paves the way to Islam. In addition to this, they have children and we do not. We are in full decline.’

Italy has become a prime destination for Muslim migrants with some 330,000 people from Africa, the Middle East and Asia arriving by sea over the past two years.

Many are fleeing war and cross the Mediterranean sea from North Africa via a dangerous boat ride.

The number of Muslims residing in Italy has skyrocketed from 2,000, during the 1970s, to over two million at the end of 2015, according to official Italian statistics.

And he’s obviously right.

Everyone sort of knows this.

The women get off on it because they want to be put in their place by aggressive men, men shut up because they’ve been raised to differ to women.