Antifa Riot Again in Italy for Whichever Reason

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2017

Antifa terrorists are at it again in Italy.


Anti-fascist demonstrators clashed with police outside of a far-right memorial assembly in Milan, Italy on Monday. The protesters tried to make their way to the location of the gathering, but were repelled by police in riot gear.

Protesters from the Antifa network shouted “Milan is against fascism and racism!” as they stood face to face with police shields on the National Memorial Day of Exiles and Foibe – the event marking the memory of victims of the Istrian-Dalmatian Exodus and those killed at the end of World War II by Yugoslavian forces.

Inside a municipal building in Zone 4 of Milan were members of the far-right movement Lealta a Azione, who were holding a heavily-guarded assembly, with several police outfits standing guard to keep the protesters away.

Carrying banners and posters, the demonstrators also lit a fire, but nobody was reported injured.

Although the National Memorial Day of Exiles and Foibe is widely accepted as a benign occasion, many in the political left view its recent rise in popularity as a manifestation of neo-fascist revisionism.

Who exactly are these antifa people?

Does anyone know?

Why do we not have some kind of public forum, where we can discuss issues with them and let the people decide who is correct?

As I understand it, their ideology is:

Whites are racist and evil and their history is one of oppression of brown people and if we simply dissolve borders and let people from everywhere flood into white countries, the world would become a paradise.

The idea that white history is racist and evil is pretty much totally irrelevant, even if it were true. The point that matters is their assertion that if you allowed everyone in the world into white countries, something good would happen. I don’t think anyone can seriously make that argument, if there is someone there to argue against it. It just doesn’t make any basic sense, and there is not even any anecdotal evidence to support it.

What would happen if Europe just opened their borders totally?

Basically, we would end up with Islamic Caliphates in a matter of years. They would continue their terrorist rampage against us, while at the same time running politicians to take over the government through the existing democratic process. All the while, all resources would be funneled into taking care of their material needs, because they produce nothing, and the entire population would be driven into abject poverty.

Rape would be widespread, and white women would be taken into sex slavery, and the police wouldn’t be able to deal with it – or any of the other crimes of the immigrants. There would be total lawlessness on the streets, and the Moslems taking over the government would promise peace.

And probably, they could deliver that. At least to an extent. We would be put on the level of any other third world Moslem country, except significantly worse, because Europe gets cold.

White women would be forced to marry Islamic men, and white men would be forced to covert or just be killed.

All of this is blatantly obvious. There is no other conceivable scenario.

It’s like asking “what will happen if I jump out of a 10th story window?”

You will hit the ground and you will die.

The equivilent answer of the antifa would be “I will start flying like a bird and soar over the city.”

What they are saying is utterly nonsensical gibberish of the highest order.

Just a simple conversation could demonstrate this, and put an end the matter once and for all.