Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2013
As Sweden continues to suffer under the savage brutality of cultural enrichment, at least five women are now raped every day in Stockholm alone, and this number is increasing.
Between 2004 and 2012, Sweden’s population, officially, went from 9 million to 9.5 million, mainly due to immigration from Muslim countries. And they just keep on coming.
Rape is one of the key ways through which Muslims enrich European culture is through violent rape of local women. Sweden now has the highest rape rate in Europe, and the second highest in the world, next to Lesotho, a small country in South Africa.
Here are the official UN numbers:
1. Lesotho: 91.6
2. Sweden: 53.2
3. USA: 28.6
4. Zimbabwe: 25.6
5. Norway: 19.8
6. Israel: 17.6
Based on these numbers (which do not even take into account unreported rapes), it is estimated that 23% of all Swedish women will be raped at some point in their lives.
All of Europe honors Scandinavia as the land of the most beautiful of White European women, and the fact that Swedish men continue to allow this to be done to their women is deeply sickening.
Sweden, as a nation, would literally rather lay down and die than be viewed as politically incorrect. They will give their women and children as human sacrifices, simply to not be called racist. It is important to look at this situation, and understand that if we do not resist, these animals, brought to our nations by the Jews, will literally take everything we have, and still want more.
Niceness does not work.