Europeans Threaten Revenge on Trump for Saving America From Heat Hoax Suicide Pact

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2017

I hate Bob Dylan because he is a Jew who contributed – heavily – to the destruction of our White European civilization during the 1960s.

But you’ve gotta admit, I believe, he had some good songs. Just objectively.

One of them was “Ballad of a Thin Man.”

Although he was a hippie, or claimed to be, Dylan is a fucking kike and has removed the album version from YouTube, something that virtually no one does, so here’s (goy) Stephen Malkmus singing it.

It’s a song that uses weird imagery to describe the idea of your personal reality falling apart, and not being able to understand what is causing it. It’s a feeling that I’ve certainly felt at points in my life, and I assume that everyone over a certain IQ level can say the same.

The chorus is: “there’s something happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?”

I can’t help but think of this song when I look at the way Europe is responding to Donald Trump.


The EU is considering taking economic measures in response to President Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement. These could include halting trade talks, forging closer ties with Russia, and imposing heavy carbon taxes on US exports.

In a tit-for-tat retaliation, former EU Parliament President Martin Schulz has pledged to respond to Donald Trump’s pullout by refusing to engage in transatlantic trade talks.

If the US drops out of the climate agreement… for European trade policy, this means that American production sites don’t need to abide by the climate goals,” Germany’s center-left chancellor candidate said on Thursday, speaking at the WDR Europa Forum in Berlin.

But China isn’t even expected to be at the level we are at now for another 13 years.

Even though they are now – according to the IMF – the world’s biggest economy, and will be objectively the largest by GDP by the end of next year.

As Tucker Carlson explained so brilliantly to a pro-Paris Jew, even if global warming is real, this pact has nothing to do with it.

It is solely about transferring wealth to brown people, in order to forward a globalist agenda.

That is a competitive distortion against which we can only protect ourselves by saying: Whoever wants to have access to our market – and the European market is the biggest market in the world – needs to respect the European standards,” he added, as cited by Politico.

“That is a competitive distortion against which we can only protect ourselves by saying: Whatever White country wants to have access to our market – and the European market is the biggest market in the world – needs to respect the Jew standards.”

Fixed that for you, Schulz.

No need to thank me.

I just want to make sure we’re accurate here.

Speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern said that Washington’s decision to quit the agreement means that new partnerships should be established, including with Russia.

“I can clearly see that America quits the current power game, and the decision on the Paris climate agreement only confirms it. For us and for everyone else, this means that we must move forward and form new alliances, with Russia being an important partner,” Kern told RIA Novosti news agency.


With the same Russia you and all of your comrades have accused of being the greatest evil on the planet? The same Russia you have continually accused of “hacking elections”?

The same Russia that has also refused to sign the Paris Accord?

The Austrian politician said Europe should in no way change its climate plans just because president Trump doesn’t want to be part of them. Alternatively, the EU “should enhance cooperation” in the field, and strengthen its alliances with other global powers, including Russia, China, and India, he said.

China and India did sign the accords, but only because it means they get given free money and drastically tips global trade and production itself in their favor.

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement “a brutal act” and “an irresponsible decision that detracts from the promises made.”

Promises made by whom?

Well, Barack Obama. A non-American, who claimed his goal was to reduce American influence in the world.

The American people never agreed to any of this, and if they voted, they would agree with Trump.

If they were informed about what this agreement actually is, then 90+% of them would vote against it. But the Jewish media in America refuses to explain the details of it – that it includes giving free money to a country we are in debt to.

A huge part of this agreement is about borrowing money from China to give it to China.

Only a Chinaman or a Jew would like that idea. And those too stupid to understand.

But most aren’t too stupid to understand, they just haven’t been told what the agreement actually is, because the media – mostly including Fox News – refuses to tell them.

“If companies in the US benefit from this, we shouldn’t be naïve. We must protect and defend our economy in Europe,” Michel told VRT radio on Friday, as cited by “I’m in favor of free trade, so we must work together with our partners to see what instruments are available to us,” he said.

The EU will not be looking to impose sanctions on the US, however, according to EU Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete.

“That is not something we are considering,” he told Reuters on Thursday.


Because that sure sounds like what you’re talking about.

On Tuesday, Schulz accused Trump of wrecking Western values and undermining international cooperation.

Trump is “the destroyer of all Western values,” the outspoken Social Democrat told reporters in Berlin, adding that the US president was undermining beneficial cooperation between nations based on respect and tolerance.


I sure do hope this is true.

I am so fucking sick of “Western values.”

I hate them more than I hate the Jews who invented them.

According to these people, “Western values” means the systematic destruction of European civilization and the European race.

If Europe doesn’t want to trade with us, fine.

I don’t want to trade with Europe.

Nothing that I use comes from Europe. Germany produces cars that are out of my price range. They produce medical technology that I don’t use because I’m not a slob or a genetic defective.

Yes, Siemens produces electroencephalogram machines that are so stupid niggers can use them. Good job, Germany. But we’re not basing our future on this.

There is very little that I know of that comes from anywhere else in Europe – certainly, nothing that is manufactured in Europe, and very little that is even engineered in Europe.

I do buy shitty furniture from IKEA, when I absolutely have to, but mainly, I buy furniture at thrift stores.

Oh. And I do buy t-shirts at H&M. Again, for the reason that I am poor.

I do not wear t-shirts with words on them. I wear blank black t-shirts. These $7.99 shirts last 2 years, if worn once a week. I own 7 of these shirts, as well as 5 H&M tank tops, which are $4.99. I own no other shirts.  Oh, besides my own website shirt. Anyway, shirts of this quality could easily be made in America, and if they were $20 because of that, it would raise my annual shirt expenses by $42.03. That is a price I’m willing to pay. Especially when the Stormers working at stable jobs at the t-shirt factory are going to up their donations.

Nearly everything I have (which is not very much) is either American or Japanese/Korean, and all of it is manufactured in China.

We have, since the 19th century, been more innovative and productive than Europe. It is kikery that has made us anything less than the eternal global powerhouse of innovation. And at this point, we still are that.

Protectionism is good for America.

Protectionism is about protecting.

So, “we’ll force you into de facto protectionism” is like saying “we’re going to pull out all of the men from the bar, and force you to have all the girls to yourself.”

Yes, there is a quality issue with American cars. That is the one issue here. But only rich people get their cars from Germany (with the insanely rich getting them from Italy) – the rest get them from Japan and Korea.

And the gooks don’t care about this “global warming” gibberish. The only people who care about that are Jews, traitors and true believers in the leftist fantasy realm.

Macron Trying to Sell Himself as a Hip Dude

The sickening granny-fetishist Macron is using the Trump snub to try and bolster his image as a cool dude.

He would have done better to get a tattoo of a spider on his neck and grown a Mohawk.

He released a video in English “trolling” Trump with “make our planet great again.”

He’s inviting Americans to come live in France.


As part of his remarks deriding The Donald’s decision to pull out of the agreement, Macron added insult to injury by inviting “engineers, entrepreneurs [and] responsible citizens who were disappointed by the decision of the United States” to come to France, which he said would act as “their second homeland.”

“This evening, the United States turned its back on the world,” Macron said in a statement on Thursday. “But France will not turn its back on the Americans.”

He continued to heap scorn on the POTUS via Trump’s preferred medium, Twitter.

What does this mean?

Is he offering citizenship to Americans that want to go live in France?

Because that… could be interesting.

If this is the case – and he hasn’t elaborated – we need to start a campaign on Twitter and IRL with fliers encouraging American-Africans to go live there. They have way higher social welfare than we do.

If this is actually what he’s saying, I’m starting a GoFundMe to buy plane tickets for blacks willing to go live in France to get MAJOR welfare.

I would also encourage White Nationalists to do this.

You can just show up and start collecting welfare. Then you can devote your life to internet activism (as long as you’ve got a solid proxy). You can also save some of the money. If you go live in a French village, and you’re receiving $1300 a month from the French state, you can put $800 of that in the bank (I would actually probably hold it in bitcoin).

Oh and Get This

Lloyd Blankfeld – the kike ruler of Goldman Sachs – made his first ever tweet against the Trump pullout.

He’s been on Twitter since 2011, but apparently just used it as a placeholder so no one impersonates him.

Or, was just waiting for the moment when it was important enough to drop the heavy “HE HAS BEEN A MEMBER FOR 6 YEARS AND ONLY NOW WAS IT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HIM TO USE IT.”

Though I’m really not sure he’s a very popular Jew.


This was a really big deal, this pullout.

Trump is spilling his mighty seed onto the American economy, and the Jews are furious.

Word is Princess Ivanka and Prince Jared were pressuring him hard to stay in. And this definitely gives credence to the Morning Joe theory that Bannon is BACK.

And that wasn’t really a “theory” per se. It was presumably a command by Kushner himself, who Morning Joe is admittedly in regular contact with.

It is a great, great sign that Trump is now back on track.

And, the fact that he is on track, implies he has a plan to avoid impeachment.

I think the Saudi deal was definitely a ruse.

I think we’ve got six million dimensional chess back on the table of potential options of what the hell is going on.

One Last Thing

Stop emailing me saying manmade global warming is real.

It isn’t.

It is a hoax, created by Jews, to push a globalist agenda.


There are real environmental problems that do absolutely need dealt with, and I am not even 100% on board with fracking.

But global warming is simply an obvious scam.

They told us in 2000 New York City would be underwater.

Message to friendo: IT ISN’T.

Ice core data proves it’s a hoax. It is a religious ideology pushed for political purposes.