Italy: Lampedusa Can’t Take Any More

Diversity Macht Frei
September 18, 2017

Recall that Lampedusa was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. In April of this year, its then mayor was awarded a prize from Unesco.

A Unesco jury has awarded the organization’s prestigious ‘peace prize’ to the mayor of Lampedusa, the Italian island which gained fame as a hotspot for migrant arrivals.

Mayor Giusi Nicolini was awarded the prize together with French NGO SOS Mediterrannee, “for their work in saving the lives of refugees and migrants and for welcoming them with dignity,” the jury said.

The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, named after the first president of Ivory Coast, has been awarded by Unesco each year since 1989, to recognize individuals and groups who “safeguard, maintain, and seek peace”.

The jury noted in their decision that “since being elected in 2012, Nicolini has distinguished herself by her humanity, and her constant efforts in managing the refugee crisis”.

Not long afterwards, however, Lampedusans decided they’d had enough humanitarian derangement and elected the more hardline Totò Martello as mayor.

He’s singing a very different song. I doubt he’ll be getting prizes any time soon unless the Alt Right creates one for “The Defence of European Civilisation”.

“Close the hotspot, it’s a useless structure that serves no purpose”. The (right-wing) mayor of Lampedusa is ready to say enough welcoming [of refugees].

“Threats, harassment, thefts… Lampedusa is at the point of collapse and the forces of order are impotent,” Totò Martello said to Ansa, “The bars are full of Tunisians who get drunk and harass women. I receive dozens of messages from frightened tourists, hotel owners, business and restaurant owners endure it daily, they can’t take any more. Twice the fruit seller in front of the Carabinieri station has had bottles of wine stolen. There are constant thefts in clothes and food shops, harassment of tourists. If the situation cannot be managed, because many of them are delinquents, they should be put in prison.”
