Donna Brazile Defends Sheself’s Attacks on Hilldawg! DRAMA!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

Donna Brazile (as played by Tyler Perry) is a strong black woman, and she ain’t shutting up for nobody.

No way, no how.

Fox News:

Donna Brazile’s scathing review of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign sent more shock waves this weekend through the Democratic Party, with members eager to bury the Clinton era ahead of Tuesday’s key Virginia governor’s race and other upcoming elections.

“Those telling me to shut up … I tell them, ‘Go to hell.’ I’m gonna tell my story,” Brazile, who ran the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 White House race, on Sunday told ABC’s “This Week.”

Brazile roiled the political world on Thursday when she published excerpts in Politico of her upcoming book that detailed a 2015 money deal between the Clinton campaign and the DNC that made winning the party’s presidential nomination nearly impossible for any other Democratic candidate.

NBC News published a memorandum Saturday detailing the joint-fundraising agreement that shows the Clinton camp would have input on such key DNC decisions as hiring and spending, in exchange for helping the group with its roughly $20 million debt.

The memo also made clear that other potential candidates could enter into a similar agreement with the DNC.

But Brazile suggested Sunday that the authority the Clinton camp had under the agreement went beyond “standard” joint-fundraising agreement and that a “separate,” undisclosed deal also existed.

“I could not control the purse strings of the Democratic Party,” she said. “I become chair, and I’m trying to write a check for something that I raised money (for.) And they’re like, ‘You have to get that signed off on from Brooklyn.’ This wasn’t a standard joint fundraising agreement. … They had separate memo of understanding.”

A review Saturday by The Washington Post of the book — “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House” — resulted in former Clinton campaign staffers on Saturday penning an open letter, disputing Brazile’s accusations that the campaign was tone-deaf to middle-class voters, acted with a false sense of “inevitability” and in the closing weeks had “the odor of failure.”

According to the review, Brazile, who is African-American, also said she felt the campaign treated her like a “slave” and that she considered replacing Clinton with then-Vice President Joe Biden, after Clinton passed out during a 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City.


Also – no way in hell she could have made the decision to replace Clinton. She is just a 90 IQ Negroid mascot for the Jews and criminal gangsters who control the party.

“We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton,” campaign members, including Robby Mook, John Podesta and Huma Abedin, in part said in the letter. “It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health. … Finally, we are pretty tired of people who were not part of our campaign telling the world what it was like to be on the inside.”

Tom Perez, the new DNC chairman, on Sunday, after The Post review of Brazile’s book, rushed to assure Democrats that he would clean up the group’s mess ahead of the next presidential election cycle.

“While we’ve made remarkable progress since last November, we still have a long way to go,” he said in a statement. “I am more committed than ever before to restoring voters’ faith in our democratic process because even the perception of impartiality or an unfair advantage undermines our ability to win. That is unacceptable. To that end, the new DNC under my leadership is committed to the task of making sure that our 2020 nominating process will be unquestionably fair and transparent.”

Liz Smith, who was a spokeswoman for Martin O’Malley, another 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, on Saturday told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters”: “I know Donald Trump and Republicans would like to use Hillary Clinton as a whipping boy. But she’s in our past. We are moving beyond her.”

Yeah, see.

They’re all jumping on the bus-throwing bandwagon now.

There is no way that this book went to print without some high-level white or Jew Democrat approving it.

The interesting thing is that it makes sense to release it now, as Hillary is being thrown under the bus. It’s logical to put this Negress out there and have her go first with this bus throwing. But the memoir was obviously written before the latest revelations about Uranium One and Hillary’s role in #Pissgate (two great reasons to throw her under the bus), and was going to be released at some point in the future regardless.

What that implies is either:

  • They were going to throw her no matter what happens
  • They knew that one or both of these major scandals was going to break a while ago

Either is possible.

They also might have known that the Clinton-DNC funding scandal would break. Although that in itself is probably something the media could bury.

For those who don’t understand the scandal, let me simplify:

  • The DNC was broke because of Barack Obama
  • Hillary Clinton had hundreds of millions of dollars she’d built up through pay-to-play scams via the Clinton Foundation
  • She became the private banker of the DNC on condition that she be given the nomination

It just adds another layer to the whole intrigue.

We’re hitting levels of criminality that are virtually unfathomable for a normal person. This is the type of stuff we are familiar with in countries like Mexico, but to see it all out in the open in America is indeed shocking.

Yet it is clear it is standard practice for both Clinton and the DNC.

If any sort of investigation is opened into these people, the number of bodies that are going to be dug up with be a number higher than you can count to.

Interesting Note

This isn’t being discussed in the media at all, but Brazile talks extensively of the death of Seth Rich. She even mentions it in the Stepenopopopulous interview above.

And she says she feared for her life after his death. She says she now has every form of security system installed in her home.

But wait cotton pickin’ minute here, Donna, you slave – I thought the death of Seth Rich was a “robbery gone wrong”?

Why would she be afraid for her life after a totally random murder?

I wonder…