The Anglin Fix: Lauren Southern’s Single Career Option (Excluding Suicide)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 11, 2017

On December 3rd, Tradthot Lauren Southern casually admitted to fucking a nigger.

This is 22-year-old girl who is a 6 on the 6-10 scale (now that the Stormer trolled her into losing weight), who preaches that women should be traditional and get married and raise kids as subservient wives, while traveling the world on a fuck-tour and while she femsplains on social media about the direction of the Alt-Right and pulling a 6-figure salary in donations (these are personal donations to her as an individual; she has virtually no overhead beyond an apartment and plane tickets and I would assume while in Europe she is crashing at the houses of the guys she’s fucking so doesn’t need a hostel).

Following the admission, which was accidental apparently (???), weev wrote an article on the 4th in the midst of an already developing Groyper bullycide.

The situation opened up an entire discussion about “women in the movement” that I am very interested in, and have been engaged in. I was all caught-up in this reverse #metoo campaign, and yet did not wonder: how is Southern responding?

Sunday night, I was wondering how many followers she had on Twitter, and visited to check (it’s 323k), and found that she hadn’t tweeted since the 6th.

So I publicly proved my crisis management skills on Gab.

Of course, the immediate piece of advice I would have given her if she had called me immediately would be this:

Go on there and say “looool, I don’t mean I literally dated him – we just did a couple cosplay photoshoots together.”

But that isn’t something I would have told her for $500 or shared publicly before she confirmed it – I wanted to see her crash and burn because I think she and other tradthots are harming the Alt-Right.

But my 28 minutes crisis management resolution was incredible. Even this guy on Gab that hates me admitted it.

I know I post a lot of memes about being a scientific genius or a manlet ladies man or whatever else, but the meme that I am a legit crisis management guy is not a meme, it is a real thing.

Rapid problem-solving is a skill which I possess – which is basically the coolest possible skill that anyone can have.

You call me up and it’s like this.

I mean the tone and telling you about my set of skills, I don’t threaten to kill you.

So I guess it’s more like Winston Wolf.

But IMO, Luc Besson>Quentin Tarantino.

Also: I went to elementary school with the chick in Taken. Fun fact.

She goes by Maggie Grace but her name was Maggie Demming and her family owned a small diamond store (I do not believe she is Jewish). My father wanted to buy her family home – a 200 year old saltbox recognized by the Ohio Historical Society as the first of such homes in the city – when they moved to a different neighborhood, but my mother insisted there would be too much traffic sound due to the location near a main intersection. My dad’s argument was “YEAH BUT THERE’S A FIREPLACE IN EVERY ROOM.”

When that movie came out it was a funny thing. Though it is much funnier now that I am more famous than she.

Her career fizzled out completely after leaving Lost (forcing them to kill off her character, which I assume is considered bad form in the biz) and turning down a role as Kitty Pride in one of the X-Men films.

Jeez. I would think that if your career gets to the point where you’re near thirty and have starred in a movie on the scale of Taken and you’re at the point where you’re considering a movie called “Malice in Wonderland,” it’s probably time to go join the family diamond business. 

Funny The Atlantic didn’t find that juicy bit or novelty information, though was somehow able to allegedly find a Jewish pre-school teacher I had who fears I am planning to kill her.

Point being: Lauren has to be 2 steps away from suicide right now. And I just gave her a way out. She has no choice but to take it. Or kill herself.

And you know. I joke about people who kill themselves, and joke about how people should kill themselves, and so on, but you know, if someone did actually commit suicide because of a bullying campaign that I was a part of, it would really be hard for me to deal with. Yes, even if it was a coalburning whore who used the Alt-Right as her personal attention and cash farm while actively sewing discord. Because life – all life – matters.

lol I’m joking.

I don’t give a shit if she kills herself.

However, the narrative of her going mainstream as a victim who got bullied by Nazis and realized that Nazis are actually the same as leftists because they put race above ideology is much more beneficial to us in the long run. Having her be a public figure trying to push a politically correct neo-DR3 (democrats r the real racists) narrative to millennials would be absolutely brilliant – and we’d be planted right there in the back story.

I am virtually 100% certain that this can work. I mean, they will put her on the cover of the New Yorker (or The Atlantic, lel) – that she can turn that into a career, I don’t know. That would be on her. But she’d be given a chance because she’s been objectively successful at selling right-wing media to millennials (the people making the decisions wouldn’t understand that it’s largely due to the lack of competition for straight-up diaper-fetish cosplay camwhoring in far-right circles).

Fox News might be a far shot, but she can in the worst case scenario keep her donations stocked by shifting it left by talking about the horrifying realization she had that Nazis are just like leftists.

They would eat that up. It is something that is completely impossible to refuse. And they are already emailing her for comment. The Jewish media has written a string of articles about this situation – “WHAW CAN YOU BELIEVE NAZIS ARE SEXISTS JEEZ.”

And she isn’t giving them anything – instead she’s disappeared from the internet after having claimed that all of the people calling her a “nigger fucking whore” on Twitter were secret leftist plants part of a Soros-backed Nazbol conspiracy to destroy the Groyper movement. Telling her beta orbiters that only Open Society shills care if she fucks niggers as they screech about her doing that is objectively the worst potential move other than disappearing and she’s done both.

Ghosting always, always, always makes you look guilty.

Any celebrity knows this. Or rather, they have a person who they can call – or rather who their agent can call – who can get them to go out in public and deal with the issue in a managed way.

Yeah, sure. She has a 3rd of a million Twitter followers, so even if 10-15% of those thirsty boys remain un-crushed by the revelations that she was blacked, she’s gonna have an army saying “OH PLEASE LAUREN M’LADY, COME BACK!!!”

Like the now-infamous Shane O Mac tweet.

But even most autistics will not go along with that. The math here is way against her. She has huge numbers on multiple social media platforms, and that is a power that can be used to pivot into a new position of power.

But that would have to be done while there is still momentum in her favor and media interest.

The clock is ticking, Lauren-chan.

Your ability to make a move and secure your career is drying up like your ovaries.

Only way faster.