Jews Push for Diplomatic Boycott of Austria

Diversity Macht Frei
December 30, 2017

A group including former European foreign ministers is calling for a boycott of Austria’s new, far-right Cabinet members, referring to them as the “heirs of Nazism” and criticizing “silence and apathy” on the issue.

In an open letter published in French newspaper Le Monde on Thursday, former Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos, former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell and others urged European leaders to take action.

“Let’s not turn our eyes away: The heirs of Nazism have come into power in the new Austrian government,” the letter states. “We are all concerned as we are all being threatened by the fatal ideology of hatred.”

The letter comes in response to newly sworn-in Chancellor Sebastian Kurz forming a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) after October’s election, making Austria the only Western European nation with a government that includes an anti-immigrant, populist force. The FPÖ nominated six Cabinet members, including the leaders of the defense and interior ministries.

The letter’s authors called on national leaders to refuse to attend meetings with or receive FPÖ ministers, and also urged politicians to “boycott” Austria’s control of the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union next year between July and December.

Source: Politico

The Politico article obscures the essentially Jewish nature of this endeavour, something revealed by the original article in Le Monde. Brackets added.

An appeal initiated by (((Benjamin Abtan))), president of the European Antiracist Movement (EGAM), and (((Bernard Kouchner))), former French minister of foreign affairs. The other signatories : (((Beate and Serge Klarsfeld))), directors of the Sons and Daughters of the Deportees of France…


Abtan is one of the dodgiest-looking Jews I’ve ever seen. In the photo he appears on the left, with Kouchner on the right, the negress Taubira in between.

Last year Abtan founded a network to fight “Holocaust Denial” named after the notorious conman Elie Wiesel.

The new Austrian foreign minister, Karin Kneissl, sounds very promising. She has called Jean-Claude Juncker a “Brussels Caesar” and a “Cynic of Power”, described the Pope as “dangerously naive” and said Merkel acted in a “grossly negligent way” by letting in so many “testosterone-driven” young men. With views like that, you can see why the Jews would want to boycott her.