2800 Classified Clinton Emails Relating to Middle East Found on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2017

Okay, so I get that security was played fast and loose on Team Clinton.

But what I don’t get is: don’t these people have more than one laptop?

Why would this woman be storing classified emails on her estranged pervert husband’s sex stream laptop?


At least five of the 2,800 emails stored on a laptop belonging to former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner were marked “confidential” and involved delicate talks with Middle Eastern leaders and Hillary Clinton’s top aide.

On Friday, the State Department released a batch of around 2,800 work-related documents from the email account of Huma Abedin, who served as the deputy chief of staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

At least five of the emails found on Abedin’s ex-husband’s laptop were heavily redacted and marked classified and at “confidential” level, the third more sensitive class the US government uses below “secret” and “top secret.”

The State Department applies the confidential classification level to information that “the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security,” according to the Government Publishing Office.

While the documents were not marked as classified before they were released, some of the information recovered in the emails was considered classified. It is illegal for civilians to posses or read classified documents without a security clearance.

The confidential emails, which date from 2010 to 2012, concern discussions with Middle Eastern leaders.

One of the emails has the subject “Egyptian MFA on Hamas-PLO talks,” referring to the Palestine Liberation Organization. The email is mostly redacted, only mentioning that it is a “further update on Hamas-PA talks,” referring to the Palestinian Authority.

Another four-page email contains a completely redacted “call sheet” to prepare Clinton for an upcoming call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Unless there is some purely ridiculous answer – like she forgot her laptop and needed to use her Jew husband’s and didn’t know how to check email without copying thousands of emails to the borrowed laptop – then the only reason I can see that her Jewish husband would have these classified emails on his computer is that he was working for Israel.

The fact that they were emails relating to Palestine and Israel definitely seems to confirm that.

Probably, this will all get buried and nothing will ever come of it.

But if Anthony Weiner is caught in an Israel spy scandal… that would be great.