Trump Isn’t Going to Put an Age Restriction on Buying Long Guns

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2018


Trump again doing 88D chess. He came out saying “maybe we should raise the age for buying long guns?” and people were like “U WOT M8” and so he’s like “well, the people don’t want it, what can I do?”

He walks away looking reasonable, and we’ve got no gun control.

Fox News:

The White House announced a series of recommendations Sunday night meant to stop school shootings, including a full audit and review of the FBI tip line after warnings about a student who killed 17 people at a Florida high school last month were not acted upon.

The administration did not call for immediately increasing the minimum age for buying long guns to 21, as President Trump had previously advocated. However, it did announce that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos would chair a federal commission on school safety to study the proposal.

The recommendations were announced nearly a month after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

DeVos said in a statement that the commission would look at a “wide range” of ideas in order to ensure that “no student or family should ever have to live the horror of Parkland or Sandy Hook ever again.”

Remember: the shooter was a kike-Jew.

But that honestly isn’t even really the point.

This has nothing to do with guns, whatever the case.

The main thing is SSRI pills, and Trump should drop that bomb. We know this. It’s been studied. The Prozac package even has to inform you this drug might cause you to “harm yourself or others.”

I am not aware of a single non-Islamic mass shooter who was not either on SSRIs or presumed to be. Around 90% of them have been confirmed to be.

Cocaine is banned simply because it might make you party too hard or have sex with someone you otherwise would not (plus heart problems, niggers using it to make crack), but this is a literal MURDER PILL that is handed out like candies from a pedophile – which the FDA approves even though they have published numerous studies about how it causes mania, suicidal thoughts, suicide and other negative effects along with murder.

This is from the FDA’s own basic medication guide for Prozac:

So you can tell me what’s going on with that, but this has become a much bigger issue than simply the health of the individual.

They haven’t confirmed Cruz was on SSRIs per se, but they have confirmed he was on some kind of psyche meds.

NBC News:

Lynda Cruz, his adoptive mother who died from pneumonia in November 2017, told mental health investigators in 2016 that her son suffered from ADHD, depression and autism but insisted he received his necessary medication as prescribed, according to the report. She told investigators at the time that her son did not own a gun, beyond an air gun that she had taken away when he “didn’t follow house rules about only shooting it within the backyard at the targets.”

Lynda Cruz told investigators that her son had started to cut himself after a breakup, the report said. She also “stated that there has never been any issues with other races or issues with racism in her family.”

There is pretty much zero chance that he wasn’t on SSRIs.

By the way, SSRIs are all the same thing as Prozac, they just keep having to change the name because of the bad rap Prozac has gotten, what with all these shooters and so on.

As long as these pills keep getting passed out, it won’t matter if we have guns. Right now, the manic drugged-out crazies are using guns because it is the easiest, but if you took the guns, they would just use bombs or chemicals or whatever.

You need to stop people from being driven to commit these acts. If some guy threw a bunch of people off a bridge, no one would call to ban bridges.

And YO – I don’t even have to go there with a hypothetical. Hajis are using BIG TRUCKS to run people over and no one has called for a ban on trucks.